their reaction to finding out the gender(tig)

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I dont know weather he was suprised or what but when the nurse told us we was having a boy Tig looked at him and said

" you kidding?" 

to which the nurse pointed to the screen.

"look" he says

 Tig looked and seen sure enough we are having a boy.

"fucking finally" he says

the nurse laughs while I slap Tig.

"What I've got two girls that don't want anything to do with me and I've longed for a son." he says straightening back up while the nurse takes some pictures for us.

"that's Alexander jr right there" I say

"why ?" Tig asked

"cause he is just like you rowdy as all get out" I replied

"I'm not that bad" Tig stated

"right and I'm the prez of the united states" I remarked

he looks at me and I smiled.

"I hope he's got your spunk." Tig says

"with your attitude, your crazy curls, pretty blue eyes, and charisma" I say

Tig smiled loving how I wanted our son to be a mini version of him.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now