Going for him (part 1)

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Despite Jax and I not being together like we used to be I did what I felt was right.

I told no one my plans I just went about doing them though I figure Gemma somehow knew what I was up to when I had rushed her off the phone so I'd catch my flight.

I had arrived in Ireland and I stopped the place out before I headed to the woman I had learned was JT's Irish lover. 

when I showed up at Maureen Asby's place I didn't tell her much just said I was of relation to JT and wanted to meet his daughter.

Ironically someone showed up and Maureen went to answer the door but not I grabbed my gun.

when the person walked in I pointed my gun at him.

"hand me the baby and I might let you live" I say

"you cant take him he's not yours" Cameron says

"on the contrary he is mine. so fucking give me my son" I tell him he hands Abel to Maureen and I shot him before I put the safety on and grab Abel.

"you speak a work to this and I'll have my connection here fuck your world up." I warned

she nodded her head.

"you never seen me you don't know me" I say

again she nodded her head.

"might want to get rid of the body before its stinks the place up" I say before I leave with Abel.

I made sure that he was ok and that nothing was wrong before I got ready to departure from Ireland and head home.

Once Abel and I were mid flight back I knew I could relax some since he was safe and going back home.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now