"If any other person did this to me.." (made as story)

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I had ordered a pack of body markers so I could see if Happy would let me color in some of his tattoos.

when the package arrived I was so happy cause I couldn't wait to try and color Happy's tattoos.

when he arrived home later that day I asked him to lay on the couch with his shirt off cause I wanted to color his tattoos.

he looked at me silently for a moment before he removed his shirt.

I opened the packet and browsed the colors before I picked the one I wanted.

"can to lay on your side so the demon would be facing me please?" I asked

he moved to lay on his side and I uncapped the maker and got to coloring the little devil demon.

"If any other person did this to me, they would be seriously hurt" he states

"I know but you love me so you'll not hurt me" I replied

"its cause I love you that I'm allowing you to color my tattoos." he says

"so if you was just friends with me and not in love you'd be pissed at me for doing this?" I asked before nudging him to lay on his back.

he sighed.

"No cause you are special to me and I let you get away with shit" he says

I grinned before I grabbed a different color and snuck a kiss from him before I got to work on coloring his serpent on his chest.

"you're special to me too Happy," I tell him 

he smiled before laying there with his arms up over his head.

"thank you very very much for letting me do this." I say

 "welcome Mami" he says

"maybe when our baby comes you'll let them color you too" I say

 His head turned so fast to look at me I felt like I had the whiplash.

"what?" he asked

I giggled.

"yep. papi you're gonna be a daddie" say

 he sat up making me drop my hand as he grabbed my face and kissed the breath outta me.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now