cute & or funny onesie ( Happy)

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I had found the perfect onesie for Happy jr. no that's not his birth name but he's just like his dad so its what I call him.

Happy didn't know what I had purchased cause I wanted it to be a cute little surprise. 

"come on mami its time to go" happy called out

"coming" I say

"not till we get home and little man is sleeping" he replied

I rolled my eyes as I slipped the onesie on Happy jr and carried him out after I grabbed his diaper bag.

once we was at Gemma's Happy and I walked around greeting and hugging everyone before Happy Jr was taken by his daddy and they walked off to do guy things.

I heard Happy jr giving the guys down the road so I went fro the kitchen to see what was going on .

"what did you all do?" I asked

"we was talking about sports and bikes when little dude started  babling" Juice says

I walked over to Happy and sqauted down so I was looking at our baby boy who got all excited when he seen me.

"you telling daddy and them what for?" I asked

he babbles and drools a bit so I wipe the drool and grin.

"well that onesie suits you to a T" I say before I peck his cheeks watching him get all excited again.

"why do you say that?" Juice asked

"his onesie says I try to be good but I take after my daddy" I tell him

"oh. that's to cute" Gemma says having heard what al lwas going on.

"its very suiting. I mean I call him Happy jr. cause he's like his daddy." I commented while looking at Happy.

"nothing wrong with that" Happy says before he bounces our son a bit.

"never said their was. just stating he's your little twin and all" I say

Happy nods his head.

I give him and Happy jr a peck on the cheek before I head back to the kitchen only to hear both of them whine.

I looked back at them seeing both wearing the same look of a pout.

"What?" I asked

"another" Happy says

"see I told you" I say before I go and give them both three cheek kisses then walk off.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now