Happy birthday (tig)

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I wasnt your typical girlie girl. I was more of a boho chic as some call it. or others say hippie which I'm not a  Hippie I just enjoy the fashion some of them had and some of their music.

which Tig had taken and made into a birthday-themed party in Boho chic.

when everyone shouted Happy Birthday I was so excited I teared up a bit.

"thank you," I said out loud 

taking in all the decor knowing that he had put a lot of time and effort into this for me really showed me just how much Tig appreciated me in more than just an affectionate way.

I walked up to him grabbed his face and kissed him thanking him over and over again.

"couldn't let this day pass without celebrating my little boho chic," he says

I smiled and pecked his lips again before he twirled me taking my outfit in.

I really was just looking forward to spending alone time with Tig and maybe getting kinky. But he decided to really celebrate my birthday with everyone who is someone to me. and that is greatly appreciated.

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