"he's my son, not yours"

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Jax and I were getting into over some shit and the whole me not being ABel's mom came up.

"He's my son, not yours," Jax says

Tears filled my eyes and turned to walk away only to stop and come back.

"he's only your son when it's convenient for you. you're never there for him you miss so many damn important moments in his life. you put the guys over him even when nothing is going on with the club." I say

"I can do anything I want with him 'cause he's mine," Jax says

"then fucking act like his father. done pin him on total strangers. be there for him and show him that you give a shit" I say

He just looks at me pissed off which I don't care.

"that beautiful baby boy fought with everything he had to stay here. he has suffered so damn much. and the shit he had gone through that no baby should've gone through. and what does he get for that, a dad who rather have a total stranger raise him and take care of him? " I say

I was already crying and hurt so what more could add to it.

"I love him and I don't pin him off on total strangers. I made you his mother. and you've been there for him" he says

'I know I have. but where have you been?" I asked

"working to provide for him. to make sure he has everything he could ever want" he replied

"Jackson you spend more time at that damn clubhouse fucking whores, getting blowjobs and fucking around. then you do working and providing for Abel." I say

"I've not fucked anyone apart from you" he says

I wiped my eyes while sniffling.

" I'm gonna spend more time with him and you" he says

"its not me that needs so much. its Abel, he's a helpless baby whose dad is away from I'm more than being there with him" I say

" I'm sorry." he says

I blinked the stray tears away.

" I will start being a better husband to you and father to Abel. I'll stop putting the club over him so much. I'll deal with what I need to and I'll work at the garage and then come home. I won't spent countless hours there anymore." he says

"good, that's a start." I tell him

he agreed with me before he wiped the tears that escaped.  

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora