"You are the father" (made into story)

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I was beyond sick and tired of my baby daddy denying our baby. so what I did was have a court-ordered DNA test since he wanted to live in denial and not do a simple cheek swab.

After the test was done they said it take up to four days for the results. so while I waited I of course was being a mother.

When I got the call that the results were in I had taken my daughter and headed over to the clubhouse where my lawyer was gonna read the results.

I carried Cailyn inside with my lawyer walking in behind me.

 Gemma grinned when she saw Cailyn and came over and took her along with a diaper bag.

"Hooper if you would come closer please I have the results" my lawyer Anita says

he walked over while I stood there waiting.

My lawyer opened the envelope and pulled the results out.

"in the case of baby Cailyn Hopper. you are the father" Anita says

I was so damn happy that I did I back hand spring before I stood in Hoopers face

"told ya bitch ass you are her father" I say before I started dancing around.

"well I don't want her" he says

"that's fine she doesn't need you. but you will provide for her." I say stopping my celebration dance.

"no I wont" he says

"wanna bet bitch?" I asked

he nodded his head

I smirked before looking at Anita.

"I have a court order stating if you don't pay child support you'll be arrested and sent to prison for two years and every source of income will be withheld from you." Anita says

"that's bulshit" he says

"its California law. " Anita says

"fuck that shit" Hopper says

"next time wrap your cock before fucking people and you'd not be in this situation." I say

"I should've pulled out," he says

"but ya didn't. and you are a father. " I say

he sighs.

"will California take my money and give it to her?" he asked

"there is a possible chance. though you can take it to court and fight it" Anita says

"damn right I will" he says before walking out the door.

I thanked Anita for her help and wished her a great day before she left.

"I'm sorry about him baby" Gemma says

"don't worry about the damn dead beat" I say

"yeah but you don't deserve it" she says

"I don't. but it happens. and its like I said for all to hear. I don't need him in her life. I can be a single mother just fine. I've done a hell of a great job for three months now. the rest of her life isnt any different" I say

"Or you could just say yes" 

I looked over my shoulder at Jax.

I turned to fully face him.

"are you absolutely positive you want this. cause I will not bring you into our lives for you to fiddle fuck around and cheat then bring diseases around my baby and I" I say

"I had told you I will fuck you only. and I'll be her father. I'll not screw any diseased person. I'll be fully committed to you" he says

"wait what is going on?" Gemma asked

"he's proposed to me but I didn't give him a response due to not wanting to regret it later on down the road with him being a manwhore still" I say

Gemma looked a bit shocked while Jax stood there waiting.

"yes. but the very minute you fuck up. its over" I say

he walked up grabbed my face and kissed the hell outta me.

"I wont fuck up." he says

"see that you don't" I say before I pecked his lips then took Cailyn and walked out after picking up her diaper bag.

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now