he's home (part2)

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I carried Abel to my car and got him fastened into the carseat before I put the bags on the floorboard and got in the driverseat.

I collected myself for what was gonna occur when I take Abel home.

I took my time heading back to Charming stoping to get gas and some snacks as well as get some milk for Abel.

I had decided to call Jax.

"hey" he greets

"hi. I want you to do me a great big favor" I say

"what?" he asked

"don't ask questions and don't say anything to anyone. but I want you to meet me at my place. come alone. I wanna talk" I say

"alright I'm headed there now" he says

"okay" I say

we both hang up and I star back on the road.

I arrived before Jax did and I placed Abel in the cot that he used to sleep in before Jax and I broke up.

When I walked out the room I made sure nothing showed that I had Abel.

Jax showed up and knocked I pecked and made sure he was alone before I let him in and locked the door.

"sit" I say

he does as I say

"what do you wanna talk about?" he asked

"when you told me you'd make me Abel's legal mother was that just bullshit or was it real?" I asked

"it wasn't bulshit. you are gonna his mother and nothing will change that" he says

"so we will coparent with him?" I asked

"no we will live together. I'm not with Tara anymore she called it off since she was fucking hale on the side" he says

I nodded my head and stood up before offering my hand to him.

he looked at me confused.

"trust me" I say

he takes my hand and I lead him to the room Abel is sleeping in.

when I opened the door I stepped back.

"go look in the cot" I tell Jax

he walks in and sees Able and drops to his knees crying.

"how?" he asked

"well I knew it was the right thing to do" I replied

"but how did you find him? he asked

"I did some research and found out Cameron was working with Jimmy. so I headed to Ireland and I stopped the place before I headed to a Maureen Ashby's place telling her I'm related to JT and want to meet his daughter. Cameron showed up and I pulled my gun. he handed ABel to Maureen and I shot him before I took Abel and threaten Maureen." I replied

he got up and walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug before  he grabbed my face and kissed the hell out of me.

"thank you so fucking much." he says

"welcome" I replied

after that things were like whirlwind. Jax and I went to elope then he and I came back to my place and put Abel back in the cot before we went and made love in my bedroom

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Where stories live. Discover now