"Don't say that."

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I look around me and I've noticed so many people finding their person and falling in love then committing to each other I've waited endlessly for that to happen to me but I get nothing but being used and hurt.

I was sitting on the bench of the picnic table across from Gemma when I told her I was done.

"what do you mean Darlin'?" she asked

"I'm done dating, done trying to meet someone, done with humiliation. I can't do it anymore. I wish I knew why things for me were turning out as they have with everyone around me finding someone and falling in love while I'm alone waiting and waiting for that someone but only get hurt and used." I say

"just cause you've had a few shitty boyfriends doesn't mean someone isn't out there for you" she says

"Gemma I've had more than a few shitty so called boyfriends and at the rate of how things are going for my I'm not ever gonna meet "the one" for me. Its become useless to wait" I say

"don't say that."

I looked up at Koz.

"why? when it's true" I say

"its not true. " he says

"Oh really?" I asked

"Yeah" he says walking closer to me and lightly tugging on my arm to get me to stand up so I do and I face him.

"how is it not true?" I asked

"cause I fucking love you and I always have. I didn't want to put you through shit with me being a nodmad. cause half the time I couldn't keep in contact with anyone and I wasn't about to do that to you. but since I've transferred Samcro I've planned on ways to tell you just how fucking in love with you I am." he says before he grabs my face and kisses me.

I moaned as I wrapped my arms around him.

"I know you've been used and hurt. but baby I'm not ever gonna do that to you. I'm sorry you've suffered from assholes doing that to you. but its high in time that a man shows you what it feels like to be loved, appreciated, and cared for. to take care of your heart and never make you regret falling in love" he says still hold my face.

"You really love me Herman?" I asked

"I'm crazy about you and madly in love with you" he says

I smiled and teared up.

"you are gonna become my ol'lady and we are gonna be together till the reaper comes for us" he says

I nodded my head.

He kisses me again while Gemam walks up and pats us both on the back.

"you two deserve each other with all the shit you've both been through." she says

I rested my forehead on Koz's and closed my eyes.

"yeah we have Gemma and yeah we do" Koz says

SAMCRO IMAGINE BOOK 2 (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora