✿ 29.

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last chapter was lowk horrible but idc 😈😈

also baby rin was the cutest thing ever like sae rlly did some damage to that mf 💀💀💀

this took a painfully long time to finish for it not even to be good i'm losing my mind 💔💔

ooc bachira btw !! 🤭🤭

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rin finally noticed the time when he finished with his yoga. with it being so late, he knew that everyone else would be asleep, especially after the tryouts.

after grabbing his sweatshirt, rin began his walk back to his room. he wanted to curse at whoever designed the building for making the workout rooms so far away from the one he was put to sleep in.

as he was about to turn the corner, he noticed a figure at the very end of the hallway. it was a complete dead end, the very edge of the building that hardly held any light. despite wanting to leave whoever was stupid enough to fall asleep there, something in the back of his head told him to keep walking down the hallway. at the sight of you, rin couldn't help but slightly tense from where he stood from above you.

rin could tell that you were shivering as you had been wearing one of the tank tops provided for everyone. "you're such an idiot," rin muttered as he crouched down in front of you. "always such a pain to deal with"

as rin looked closer at you, he noticed how red it was beneath your eyes. anyone could tell that you had been crying and rin wondered if it was because of what he said.

even though rin wanted to leave you there, he couldn't bring himself to stand up and turn around. the thought that you were the only person he would do this for made him nauseous. it was a similar feeling from when he had carried you to the nurse after you had passed out. somehow, rin felt that this time it was different.

with ease, rin picked you up in his arms. he almost couldn't believe how easy you were to carry.

like before, rin noticed how you instinctively grasped onto his clothes. it made him wonder what your issue was. maybe he was right about you not getting enough love as a child after all. the thought made his jaw clench but he couldn't figure out why.

upon entering the room, rin took notice of how everyone else had fallen asleep. it was really late so rin wasn't really surprised by it.

rin places you gently on your bed and he finally relaxed upon seeing how you didn't wake up. as rin tried to walk away, you had managed to grab onto rin with a stronger grip from before. you had done all of this while still being sleep. you seriously pissed rin off.

it took ten minutes for rin to accept that your grip wasn't getting any less tight. he had lost count of how many times pulling himself away from you had crossed his mind, but he didn't want to wake you. the thought weirded him out. why wouldn't he want to wake you? you were being a nuisance by not allowed him to go to his own bed and sleep.

rin felt as his sleeve was being pulled and watched as you rolled over onto your side. one of his hands was pressed deep into the mattress to keep himself steady as your movement made him slightly lean over your bed.

from the corner of his eye, rin noticed the hour change to a three. "god dammit," rin muttered under his breath and contemplated his options. "fuck it" rin breathed out and carefully took the place beside you. rin took immediate notice to how comfortable your bed was and was quickly lulled to sleep by your soft and rhythmic breathing.

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you had run your last lap while you were training - mainly having been talking to reo - when there was an announcement for you to go to the 'meeting room'. as you were leaving, karasu and otoya laughed and pointed at you, saying "looks like someone's in trouble" while yukimiya tried his best to hide his laughter. you only rolled your eyes before making your way to find whatever room you had to go to.

my life in art ✿ blue lockDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora