The Kooky Disappointment - 31

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Enid was looking around more than walking. She was eyeing every branch and every shadow in the foggy woods.

Her breath was hitched, fearing that something was lurking out there and stalking them.

Wednesday looked over her shoulder, realizing her hand was missing Enid's. She searched for the blonde and found her leaning against a tree, as if she was hiding behind it.

"Enid," she called out.

"Wednesday," Enid was shaking, her claws were digging into the tree's trunk, "I can feel something's nearby."

The goth looked forward to the path she was following and nodded, "I know. We must be close."

"You k-know? What- what's following us then?"

"I can feel their eyes on us," Wednesday stepped closer to Enid.

They both scanned the blurred trees in the fog around them, the gray mist covering everything, even the sun.

Enid's senses were obscured by the constant bird singing and insect noises, and her smell kept smelling... smoke?

And... rain?

It wasn't like Wednesday's scent though, her aroma of "rain" was different.

"Wednesday? O-over there!" Enid gasped when she saw a shadow lurking within the fog.

Wednesday's head snapped toward the movement of the silhouette, "There you are," and then she took off toward it.

"Wednesday!" Enid cried out, and then frustratingly stomped her foot, "You stupid, fearless goof!" she chased after the goth who disappeared into the fog.

Quickly though, she was able to catch up as the Addams suddenly came to a stop, and was spinning around with her eyes frantically searching the mist, "Wednesday! What the hell was that? You can't just take off without letting me-" she continued ranting in a hushed whisper.

"Silence-" Wednesday held up a hand, and both of them froze at the same time.

It was silent.

Suddenly, Enid's senses no longer picked up any sounds of nature. Already, it was unsettling.

"Wednesday?" she whimpered.

Within seconds, the off-smell of rain came closer and closer, and then a large amount of rustling came from above.

Then a heavy thud landed behind them that threw leaves up into the air.

Both of the girls turned around immediately.

"WEDNESDAY-" Enid shrieked and Wednesday immediately aimed her blade.

There was suddenly the figure of a shadow with a hat standing right before them, apparently they had jumped from above in the trees.

Wednesday quickly thrusted her knife but it was stopped, her eyes widened.

Enid gasped and immediately was ready to pounce the attacker with her claws, but then the knife caught her attention.

The shadow had stopped the blade with his bare hands.

All of the sudden, the knife sparked and Wednesday flinched back from the electric shock.

Wednesday and Enid recoiled back and stared at the shadow.

"Still as sharp as ever, my pig-tailed protégé," came the high-pitched voice of a man.

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