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Third person Pov

"Why are we arguing about this!" Darrian yells and David frowns. "Why is it every time I try to talk about this you avoid the problem!?!" David yells/ask with an angry expression. "I'm not avoiding anything" darrian says.

"Naw I'm sick of this you know you mines yet you wanna keep playing these games we know good and well there was nothing wrong with you that day you just didn't wanna come out" David says and darrian rolled his eyes.

"Not to mention you and this Brandon dude ion trust it but yet you had a issue when Layla came over and all we did is play a video game and she left at a decent time! You came home at two in the morning" David says.

"Just shut up David I'm sick of this all you do is start an argument and it's all about you at least Brandon understands my feelings and I was over there a long time cause he's fun to be around" darrian says and David's heart dropped.

"Oh he understands you but I don't? Ya know what I'm not gonna do this with you this time whole thing is just stupid ion even understand why we together" David says and darrian felt his heart break a little at those words.

"What are you trying to say?" Darrian asks. "I'm saying we're done and I mean it this time honestly our relationship was better when we were just friends" David says. "Now we both know how this is gonna go" darrian says and David shakes his head.

"Not this time I've had it and until you can prove to me that your really ready for this then their can't be an us from this point on we're just friends and if you want to be with Brandon go on ahead ion care" David says before taking a seat on his bed.

"Why are you doing this we both know you'll crawl right back and if I got with Brandon right now you'd be hurting" darrian says. "Whatever helps you sleep" David says honestly tired of this entire conversation that has successfully ruined his morning.

Darrian frowned and went to the other room calling Brandon asking him to come over and pick him up. David rolled his eyes once Brandon's truck pulled up a few minutes later and darrian was leaving the house.

"I guess we just friends now let's see how long this last" David says to himself.

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