Aizawa | Poisonous Love pt.3

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The teach raised an eyebrow when seeing you specially when a sigh slipped out of your lips, he didn't really need to know why you were there he just started to drag you away from there earning a few stares from students.

Silently, you both have reached to his classroom were he literally forced you to sit on his desk.

“I didn't know you were alive,” he commented while lazyly sitting on a table in front of you, you knew why he said that, as I said before, ever since your bracelet had gone missing you haven't been outside since you were afraid your gas would scape just like how it nearly did just now. “What happened?”

Sitting properly on his desk, you placed the bento box next to you. “I didn't feel like coming out of my house,” you shrugged your shoulders, lying to the man in front of you. “May just forced me to bring you your dear curry,” you locked gazes with he. “And now I'm--” as soon as you were getting off of the table.

Aizawa had slammed his hands each next to your waist, trapping you between the desk and his well built body, a gasp came out of you as he did such acción. The room felt hot, steaming HOT with his body next to you, you could feel his piercing eyes on your figure as you looked up, he was glaring at you, waiting for a proper answer.

“I lost.. my bracelet,” you confessed knowing damn well that you couldn't get away from his gaze, he was a pro hero after all.

The man scoffed, “And you can't see me because of a bracelet?” he questioned, not noticing the way he just worded his sentence.

Your eyes rolled, also not noticing the way he spoke. “Mom gave it to me, and you know damn well i always treasure what I receive from others.” you reminded,which was true.

The black haired man nodded still not backing away, instead he leaned closer to your face while you stayed still knowing full well that he wasn't going kiss you or anything. “Would you treasure something that i would take away from you?”

Okay, the hell?

Your eyebrows frowned, “What does--”

You couldn't finish off your sentence since you heard a thud and a whine coming from the door, it didn't take you both a second chance to guess who were they so you both just looked at the crew of young training heroes with a glare, Aizawa's eyes turning red because he had activated his quirk while yours dangerous glowed while you licked you fang, this actions made the nosy teenagers gulp muttering some rushed apologizes and for them to run away.

“How is your bracelet?” he questioned, not moving an inch from his current position.

“Dark green,” your eyes travelled towards the group while massaging your wrist where the cuff was supposed to be, just remembering that isn't there, reminds you of how your parents will freak out when they find out. “Almost black,” you finished slightly punish the older away from you, “I will see you later, Shota.” you smiled, a smile that he knew was obviously fake but he allowed it to slide as you walked out of his eye sight.

Just as you were gone, Present Mic entered. “Well well,” he immediately smirked, whilst approaching his best friend. “Looks like you have made progress,” he teased. He knew about his crush towards you, he was shocked to see this man even have the ability to have romantic feelings which earned him a good ass kick on the rib, but he was happy and will always support his man.

Aizawa sighed, “What do you want, Hizashi?”

“Oh wow, i can't believe you have already forgotten about the fucking task you ordered me to do even in my god-damned dreams,” the blonde furrowed his eyebrows, slamming a file filled with papers onto the black hair's desk.

It isn't every day you get to see Present Mic pissed or being sarcastic, Aizawa has known him for a while and even though this outburst came without warning, he could care two fucks about it.

Without a word, the black haired man picked up the file off his table to go through it, the blonde hero proceeding to explain. “I couldn't really get the exact name of the material but this thing was made out like the cuffs we use for inmates, preventing them to use their quirk against us.”

Aizawa nodded, looking at pictures of the bracelet against some blue light.

“I also found traces of serpent's scales,” he pointed out.

“Y/N's quirk is snake, she even has scales around her body.” the other shrugged it off, his eyes still not leaving the file.

Present Mic nodded, “I already know that but Y/N's scales are a deep (h/c), this ones are silver-white.” he said, Aizawa now looking at him clearly confused. “And they were INSIDE the bracelet, like they have put it in there.”

“What are the scales doing inside of the bracelet?” as I said, he was confused and probably grossed out.

The blonde hero smiled brightly, “I'm glad you asked! White serpent scales are only possessed by the Dragon King--who wasn't a human by the way--who protected those who believed in him.”

“So you are saying that whoever is the owner of this bracelet, wants to protect themselves with the Dragon's scales and to protect others with the cuff that dose prevent you from using your quirk?”


Aizawa was confused, he knew your quirk was dangerous butt was it so dangerous that you needed a bracelet-cuff?

The black haired took the bracelet that was in his pocket, once again examining it. Indeed, there were silver-white scales inside of it.

“Why?” he questioned himself, “What are you hiding from me, Y/N.”

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