Aizawa | Poisonous Love pt.2

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A sighed scaped your pale lips when you saw the spot next to the window empty, you already knew the teach was gone he always goes home when your shift finishes because he hates to be attended by someone who isn't you, yeah he is really picky.

Your eyes rolled slightly as you made your way towards the counter.

‘I thought he already memorized my working schedule.’

But as we can see, he did not. You tied your apron around your jeans waist band fixing your hair when you finished, to then move behind the counter and start preparing some orders. The smell of coffee buring themselves inside your nostrils while the sound of the coffee maker filled the calmed atmosphere, a combination that you loved and the reason you wanted to work on a cafe.

“Hey Y/N,” your sister greeted when entering from the back door, tying her apron around herself and started to work behind you.

“Mm,” you hummed letting her know that you were listening to her, your hands busy making the cream that many of your clients love because it's hand made an even though it takes a lot of time to prepare it, it tates better than when the machine does it.

“I saw Aizawa,” she commented as you could already feel her smirking behind you, she had already met the black hair and she thinks you have a crush on him--which you do--and keeps bothering you with, one time, you nearly bit her neck because of it.

“And?” you questioned, your eyebrows frowning when some of the already made cream spilled on the counter.

“He seemed really tired,” she pointed out handing you a napkin so you can clean the mess, which you did.. furiously.

“The idiot hasn't been sleeping well,” you answered opening the small trash can that was beside you and drop the dirty napkin inside. “Specially when the brats are giving him a hard time,” you continued while slowly and carefully decorating the cup of coffee with the sweet cream on top, making a master piece of art with it.

“Oh,” was all that you heard from your sibling as you made your way towards the client who patiently waited for his order.

You could say that this crush of yours, started when you started to take care for him, when you got to know the teach, when you found out that he could read you like an open book, when you found out that you both had the same taste of everything, when you first saw him with his hair up in a ponytail tail, when you found comfort on him.

You gently placed the cup on the table, earning a soft 'thank you' from the woman that ordered her drink as you nodded shortly and walked away.

It was strange and weird, you never fell in love and you can't even if you wanted too experience such feeling, it was unfair, very very unfair and cruel to have on crush on someone but not be able to love them or receive their love. At moments like this, you wish you were never born with this dangerous quirk.

While on you brain of thoughts, you had bumped into an incomers customer, the impact of his body against your made the tray which you were holding in your hands cut your chin slightly with it's edge.

“I'm very sorry!” they apologized bit you just waved your hand in dismissal, going back behind the counter.

“Are you okay?” your sister's voice held a hint of worry on her tone, when there was no reason to be--or so you thought.

“I'm fine, May.” you reassured her, trying to go back to work when she held your wrist.

“You are obviously not,” she said in an firm tone which made you sigh, allowing hee to drag you somewhere at te back while a colleague took your places.

May's quirk gave her the characteristics of an owl and just like you, her eyes shine when she's angry as her nails also grow so it was no point in arguing with her a few seconds ago.

The only difference about you two, is that she can fall on love with someone and be with them while you can't the reason being is because you sometimes gave of poisonous gas from your body when you are angry, your parents seeing this prohibited you from having a relationship with anyone even though you had told them that you could practice to control that reaction, but they didn't listen.

“It's either that guy is blind or something is wrong with you,” you sister said whilst cleaning the small cut on your chin, you already pissed by this.

“He said sorry,” you remembered her.

“Sorry my ass,” she snapped placing the piece of cotton on a tray which was beside you, when she caught a glance at your wrist. “Where is the cuff?”

The question made you widen your eyes in horror.

The “cuff” was a bracelet that you parents asked someone to fabricate it for you, to prevent the poisonous gas to scape from your body anytime your angry and said bracelet, was now missing. And if it was missing, it would give your parents a heart attack of the find out, you couldn't get it off of your wrist everytime you tried and now it suddenly disappears?

“You have to be kidding me,” you muttered now searching on the ground to look for the “cuff”, don't get me wrong you were glad that thing was off of your wrist but you haven't got the time to control the gas yet and you don't even want to hear your parents' complain. “Where the fuck it is?” you asked yourself, trying to make memory.

You definitely had to find that shit or else, it's game over.


It was lunch time at UA and it was a normal day at said highschool, you could see brats sitting at some tables while talking to each other which made the place very noisy and you hated that.

It has been a week and you haven't found the bracelet and you were really stressing out and you also had to drop Aizawa's curry, said information had slipped when you where looking for the bracelet at your place--which is a mess right now--and you snapped at your sister who didn't know this and she had the brilliant idea of forcing you to drop the meal to the old man, in order to calm you down which is what you were doing at the moment.

In your opinion, you were getting more and more stressed out as you stood there in a corner of the cafeteria as you scanned the place in search of the black hair man who wanted your curry, there were a lot of students there and lots of noise which didn't really help your current state since you didn't know where or how to find Aizawa and instead of asking someone, you tried to use your hearing and smelling but the noise wasn't helping.

Because of this you were getting annoyed as a dark aura surrounded you and a bit of gas was getting out of you without knowing, of it wasn't fkr tbe sudden touch on your wrist that snapped you out of your dark thoughts, those brats would surely be dead in seconds.

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