Sero | Home

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Third year of highschool and you were so fucked up, well, you were fucked up since your mom registered you in kindergarten. You just hate school, you have average grades--for you are decent--but your mom disapprove that, but you could care less.

Besides, there are worst people in your school like your dear boyfriend. Third in command of a kick ass gang of the school, also the heartthrob of the school--yes am talking about Sero Hanta. Your mother knew about him being your boyfriend, and of course she didn't like it at all but you shrug her off because she is hardly home, so why she should bother with you now?

He was really scary and never had good grades--like the rest of the gang--, always getting yell at by the teachers but outside the school, he hada job, he worked at a work shop along with Bakugo, Kirishima and Kaminari and he always had the same smile that you fell for.

You frowned, you haven't seen your boyfriend since morning and not even a message from him has reached your phone, usually even if he didn't come to school he would be outside the gate, waiting for you but today. Today, something was up.. waiting for a few seconds, you sighed and pulled you hood over your head.

Walking away from the school gate, you reached a small shop that had recently open around the area as you entered, you saw the owner hiding behind the counter visibly shaking with fair. Raising an eyebrow, you could hear laughter on one of the isle of the shop as well as footsteps nearing the counter.

As the footsteps turned around the corner, you saw a familiar hoodie on someone and that someone was looking at you with his mouth slightly opened, you said nothing making your way to the beverages isle going for a can of beer.

Opening the fridge to grab said drink, a hand slam its way looking the door you glared at the hand that was decorated by a few rings, tons of bracelets and a tattoo of your initials. You heard a chuckle above your head, another hand going to the other side of you head which was also decorated like the other.

“Looks like someone had a bad day,” he said making you grit your teeth annoyed.

“Oh well, my teacher gave me a hell of a slap because I didn't do her assignments, my mother message me that she won't be at home until the next day and my boyfriend left me waiting for him at the school gate.” you snapped, forcely opening the fridge and get your drink out.

Sero just stared at your back while processing what you just said, to then start rushing before you left the shop. He found you at the counter, ready to pay when he step in.

“I will pay,” the owner looked at him and then at you, taking his hand and placed the money in hand.

“Keep the change,” and then you walked out, Sero trailing behind.

He knew you were in a bad mood--you always were--but you were always a softie with him and the same goes for him, but this time, he clearly knew that he fucked up bad.

He didn't blame you, he should at least sent you a text but his phone had a lil accident.

You turned around a corner, he knew you were setting your head to go home but he wouldn't allow such, not in the state you were.

He grabbed you wrist, “The fu-!” and before you could protest more, he throw you over his shoulder taking you to his place like a sack of potatoes.

You didn't argue, always did this so you let him be while you drank the rest of the beer to then throw away the can. Closing your eyes, you felt him do a bunch of turns on the way to his house where he lives with his parents, who were really generous and friendly people--unlike him--who just want their son to be happy, so they accept him how he is.

You opened your eyes, to meet a familiar back yard as well as you heard your boyfriend's keys opening the front door.


The soft sound of the door opening, and the warmth that the inside of the house held made you feel like if you were in heaven.

Getting inside, your boyfriend kicked the door closed putting his keys in a table that was nearby to then drop you at the kitchen counter, while he searched for something inside the covers.

He took the first aid kit and place it on tbe counter that you were sitting on, he pulled off the hood to reveal his face. Nearly half of his ear--both ears to be exact--were covered in piercings of different and sizes of earrings, his black hair was covered in dust, his thin eyebrows were formed into a light frown and his beautiful neck that's covered in tattoos was also covered in bruises, his lip was bursted and his nose had a small trace of dried blood.

You sighed, this was nothing new, you took the first aid while looking for some cotton and alcohol to clean his wounds.

When you found the items you needed, you started to clean your boyfriend's perfect face, ignoring his whining and complains.

“-stop squirming, Hanta.” you scolded, glaring at him.

“But it hurts,” he pouted nearing his face to yours.

He was literally a child when it was only the two of you, the door opened followed with footsteps. “Welcome back,” you both said in sync when you saw your boyfriend's parents, entering the kitchen with huge smiles on their faces.

“I see, he drag you here to clean the mess he cause.” his mother chuckle, earning a whine from his son.

“Mum, I didn't cause anything. They look for it themselves,”he pouted.

His father chuckle, leaning against the door frame giving you a small nod while you returned it.

You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, taking it out you saw a text from your mother asking where were you and that she was home early. You just rolled your eyes, turning your phone off and place it inside you bag to then look at you boyfriend, getting scolded by his mother.

He looked like a five year old trying to explain to his mother, while his mother smacked his head making you smile.

This, is your home.

| Home, is the warmth that you feel or found,
in a place or person.
Home, is where you feel save, and you can be you.
                      -unknown |

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