Shinso | Stray cat

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You lived on your own and work at a store in the mall, technically, your life was boring and simple. You had this friend, that wouldn't leave your side for nothing--actually--you both are roommates, because he wanted so.

Kimenari Denki, his your highschool best friend and he works as a model at a company, but he doesn't bring girls over, he still a virgin, actually.

“(Y/N)!! Come wake up! You will be late for work!!!” and he also treats you like his little sister.

“Augh~ fuck off,” you groaned but still got up nonetheless.

You really didn't like your job, because of this one girl that tries to humiliate you every time she gets but of course, you would roast her in no time.

“Ha~ it looks like you didn't have a good shift yesterday, huh?” the blonde question, but you just ignore it.

“I'm gone,” you put on your shoes, ready to get out of the apartment when Kimenari tugged the collar of your shirt.

“No 'good bye' kiss?” he pouted crossing his arms over his chest, you let out a sigh, and gave him a peck on the forehead. “See? It wasn't that hard.” he smiled.

“Mhm, me fui.” you finally said and stepped out of the door, closing it behind you.

The streets were more crowded than usual, probably because the holidays are coming and the snow, was getting into everyone's way.

“Nya~” you looked at the side of the building you are living in, to see a box and inside was a female cat with its babies.

You walked closer to the box and seeing all the kittens trying to stay warm, in the snowy weather. Without hesitation, you remove your coat and placed it around the freezing felines who all snuggled into the warmth of it. You smiled softly, petting the mother admiring her bravery of having its cups, at this time of the year.

You looked at your watch, to see you were running a bit late, you patted the mother cat's head one more time before getting up into your feet and go. The mall wasn't very far from your apartment, so you always walk to your work place.

“Ara~ but look who's late for her shift?” was the first thing you heard, when you entered the store you work in.

Rio Akabane, she's one of the models of the store and finance of the one and only Karma Akabane, you always wonder why he chose her of all women.

“Come on, hurry and bring me a latte.” the blonde said throwing her hand bag at you, but you just walked away. “Hey! Come back here!!” leaving her yell all she wanted.


It was already lunch time and you were sitting by yourself on a table, scrolling through your phone and eating your katsudon in piece.


“Mm?” you looked besides your feet, to meet with a.. purple cat?

“Meow~” animals weren't allowed inside the store, but it looked like this little fella was hungry so you have him some piece of your fried pork.

“Mm~? What we have here?” you snapped your head up, to see Rio and her minions standing with some fancy lunch. “Is miss perfect, eating her lunch by herself?” she laughed.

“Too bad,” she pushed her lunch in your face. “My lovely finance, brought me this pasta, made by the most famous chef from Italy. And what are you eating? Ew, katsudon. Couldn't your broke ass afford something-AAAAAAAAAH!!!” she yelled in pain.

You looked at the ground to see that the cat that you were feeding was biting her ankle, ew and it was spilling blood everywhere.

Her minions, went running to call the manager who probably call animal control, so you rushed to Rio's ankle and made the cat let her go.

“Ah! Take that monster away!!”

“What's happening here?” the manager came rushing.

“That monster bit my ankle, ow~” Rio pointed at the cat you were holding, the manager looked at you and you shrug your shoulders causing her to sigh.

“Come with me, (Y/N). Someone call and ambulance for Rio.” was what she said and walked away, you trailing behind.

“Is he yours?” she said patting the cat who purred at her touch.

“No, he came to me this lunchtime and then Rio came.” you explained, putting the cat down.

“You know she might sue you, and the company doesn't want to loose their best designer.” she looked at you worried.

“Don't worry, if she does, I already know who to call.” you smiled widely at her.

“Fine. Take the rest of the day off, and maybe take him home.” she nodded her head to the cat, who was still there.

“Fine, Denki might like some company while he stays home.” you said picking up the cat.. again.

“Tell him I say hi,” your manager giggle.

“Sure Mina, tell Eijirou I say hi as well.” you smirked and walked away, leaving your manager and friend, blushing mad.


You were finally in your apartment, leaving the cat to explore around. You went to the kitchen and prepare something to eat, because you left your lunch at work.

“Meow~” the cat rubbed himself against your leg, begging for attention.

“Hai hai, the food will be ready just now.” you told him, when it slightly bit your ankle.

“-12th of December, we are nearing the holidays today!!!"

The radio played, as you felt the cat presence leave the kitchen.

“-in first place, we have (your zodiac sign)!!! Who will have a very unusual turned of events,but will also bring them good luck."

O-ha-san played, saying that your sign would be the luckiest for today and even though you don't believe in O-ha-san you got to admit, he was right.

Rio was sent to the hospital thanks to the cat, meaning you won't see her ugly face in a while, you also go the day off thanks to the cat-


-and you also adopted the cat, isn't that great?


But you also wonder, what would be that unusual turn of events? Wait. Was that a groan you heard, coming from the living room?

You snapped your head to look at the living room door, Denki wasn't home when you came and if he reached, he would have been loud. You gripped thight onto the knife you you were holding earlier, slowly walking towards the living room.

When you entered, what you saw made your jaw got the damn floor. In the middle of your living room, was a young man around your age standing, fully dressed with cat ears sticking out of his head and a tail from his waists. His purple hair standing upwards, and his purple eyes staring into your own (sorry if I mistaken his eye color), your hand tighten around the knife but you didn't say anything instead, you were trying to place those beautiful eyes that were staring at you.

“Thanks for taking me in, (Y/N)-san.” the man said, making your eyes widen in realization.

“N-neko-chan?” but how was it possible?

The man walked up to you but you just glared at him, who smile sweetly and hugged you. “I will protect you.” he whispered.

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