Bakugo | Bow Your Heads To Our Queen!

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“Half 'n half will bring the other extras around here,” the ash blonde informed pointing at a certain field while looking at his second man who nodded shortly, “Then Y/N will bring the cannons behind them,” he pointed to another area looking at you, you gave him a nod. “The rest knows what the hell to do," he concluded the meeting as you all gave him a bow.

Bakugo started to head outside as you and Todoroki followed him right behind his red cape that cover his royal clothes, Katsuki Bakugo was known as the most powerful Sultan in the world, his goal is to free all Japanese from the Muslim Kingdom and to make peace and justice rule over the world.

In his kingdom, as his third best soldier, was you who vowed with your life to protect the Sultan no matter what which means, no weakness should be present in the battlefield or castle, you should always be with your guard high.

“Bring round cheeks to my room tonight,” the blonde order while slightly looking at you for any reaction, but to his disappointment, you just gave firm nod.

Night had come and the blonde was on his rope freshly out of the shower looking outside the window, he was proud of what he had achieve, his old hag would be happy.

“You alright there, bro?” his right hand Kirishima asked from behind him.

“Am fine shitty hair,” Bakugo whispered when in reality, he missed his old hag and father, he thinks that if he was much stronger they would have still be alive, his mother would be yelling at him and would still be the Queen of this Kingdom while his father would always try to stop both blondes from yelling and would still be by his wife's side.

“Is it because of Y/N?” the red hair question which made the blonde click his tounge, he had already forgotten about that topic. “She still doesn't pay attention to you?” Kirishima tried not to laugh, but Bakugo still heard which made him turn around to face the red hair.

“Shut up shitty hair!!!” he yelled, veins were popping out of his forehead. He was going to yell again to shut Kirishima's laughter but he heard a knock, the red hair knew who it was so he took his leave making way for a very pretty brunette to enter inside. “Is about time, angel face.” Bakugo crossed his arms over his chest.

Uraraka sighed, “You are only nice when you want something, don't you Bakugo?” she raised an eyebrow.

“Y/N only talks to you out of all the chicks of this castle, she only hang around my soldiers to train and hang around with Kirishima and the half 'n half but rearly joins in the conversation.” he shrugged, “And I still need more information to how make her pay attention to me.” he growled, just remembering that you only have mind to work just irritates him plus, it's time he finds a queen for his Kingdom and he  put his eyes on that (h/c) women.

“Talk to her?” the brunette suggested, making the blonde raise an eyebrow. “Before going to this battle, spend sometime with her, go on walks, ask her if she would like to ride to the forest or even better, take her hunting, you know she loves that.” she listed some scenarios, making Bakugo start to think. “How can you be this dumb?”



The next morning, you were at your office doing some paperwork work when he had entered. “Your majesty,” you saluted to him.

“I need you to come with me,” he ordered as you gave him a nod. “So you better change your clothes,” he gave a glance to your uniform and then walked out.

You stood there confused, “What's wrong with my clothes?” you asked out loud, the door had opened letting in Kirishima and Todoroki.

“Need help?” the red hair smiled, showing you some dresses he had in his hands which made you glare at him, “I'm kidding.” he gave the dresses to a maid that was passing by.

“You don't have feminine clothes, Y/N.” Todoroki stated looking at your clothes hangged inside of your dresser.

“Because I don't like 'em, Todoroki-sama.” you answered, still confused at to why you should change your clothes if you are going with the King.

In your opinion, your uniform was okay because if someone attacked your highness, you will be able to protect him with more easy and it's not like you're going to accompany to a ball or something.

“I think this would work,” Kirishima held a pair of dress pants that you would use when important meetings paired with a simple top which had your Kingdom's shield at the edge of the sleeve, it was nice, simple, modest and all black.

“Go change Y/N, we don't want Bakugo to get pissed.” Todoroki told as you gave a nod.

In the end, you took a medium since knife with you while you and the King walked around nature, enjoying the view. The blonde was kinda of talkative today--which was very weird--so you always responded shortly but politely, which didn't make the blonde annoyed but he only smirked.

“Your majesty,” you came to a stop which made the older stop to look at you. “Are you feeling okay today?” you asked tilting your head in confusion, action that he found extremely cute.

“Why the question, Y/N?” he gave you a smiled, which made your heart flip.

“You have been acting strange, lately.” you answered innocently.

Bakugo chuckled, taking your hand into his. “For being my third best soldier and the strongest women around the world, you are pretty innocent at some topics my sweet Y/N.” he informed kissing the back of your hand, “This is how I feel when I am around you, Y/N.” he held your other hand, giving you a smile. “From now on, you, will be the Queen of this Kingdom.”

Your eyes widen, he was confessing his love to you--an average women who is his third best soldier and he is also has declared that you are his Queen!!?

Your mouth was hanging open in disbelief which made the blonde chuckle, out of the bushes, came out soldiers, servants and even Kirishima along with Todoroki and Uraraka who were smiling from ear to ear, bowed and said; “Long live the Queen and King!!”

As I said before, you were speechless until you felt a pair of lips on yours which took you by surprise, “I will give you the time you need, but I will not change my mind..” Bakugo brought you close to him by the waist while your hands were on his chest, “You will be my queen in no time,” he brought his lips to your ear. “I am very sure of that, Y/N~”

You blushed, bitting your lower lip and gripping his shirt in your hands thightly.

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