Hawks | A New Baby Bird

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The blonde with messy hair was now patrolling the streets of Japan, it was like midnight and the third week of being away from his wife jus because he has to capture a new imbecile that has been roaming around the country, we all know he loves his job but right now he hates it.

He doesn't know anything about his wife and it's getting on his nerves, he will pull out his feathers if he doesn't get any news from her.

“Hawks, can you hear me?” he heard the voice of one of the higher-ups through his headphones, which made him roll his eyes. “Hawks?” they spoke again, irritating the hero even more.

“Yes, sir?” he finally answered, the tiredness noticeable through his voice.

“Have you been able to locate the villain?” they asked, the hero closed his red eyes for a moment to control his irritation.

“Negative, sir.” the winged man spoke truly, “But I will keep looking if that's what you want.” he offered, jus she can not get the opportunity to hear the old man's voice.

“I would love too,” the other agreed making Hawks groan silently. “He is very dangerous, if he is to left free around the country-.. -will.. -suffer-..” the line started t cut off, surprising the younger.


“-and they-.. -some pro-.. FUCK!!” he heard a yell from the other side, startling him and provoking him to land on a roof.

“Are you okay sir!?” he asked panicked.

“Of course I am you bird brain!” another yell was heard, this time he could recognize the voice that was speaking in the next line.

A smile spread across his face, “Y/N?”

“Good night, Keigo.” you greeted with a chuckle which made him smile even more, he was happy and you knew he was happy you could practically imagine him flying around while making some spins in the air, and he was really doing them.

“Hello, baby bird~” he purred after one last final spin be made, he landed impatiently on the roof once again, making a few little jumps.

“Happy?” you asked the obvious.

“Of course I'm, baby bird!” he whispered shouted, being careful not to disturb anyone from their sleep. “It has been ages since I heard your voice,” he smirked.

“Mmm, when you think you can get home? This place is freezing.” you asked, making him blush because when place is cold he can cuddle you and sometimes, those cuddles turn into a very hot-

“Tomorrow,” he answered before any dirty thoughts came to his mind, he misses you but he is on duty right now.

“Already caught the villain?” you raised an eyebrow on the other side, only to meet with silence. Keigo.” you called, but there was no answer. “Hawks.” you called again, now by his hero name which made him whine like a child he just hates it when you call him by his hero name, it's a signal that you are pissed.

“No but I know I will,” he pouted.

“Stop pouting,” you chuckle which made him pout even more.

“I'm not!”

“You are, daddy.” you smirked.

The blonde blushed, “W-what?”

“Good night, Keigo.”

“N-no! Wait y/-” the line cut, “-/n.” he finished, his pout even bigger.

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