Kimenari | His Smile

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People always judge you, bad mouthed your name sometimes even look at you with disgusted eyes, just because, you were dating the most popular guy in the school. But there are others, that would just stared at you in confusion.

The relationship you have with your boyfriend Denki Kimenari, is perfect, in his eyes. For others, it's a very odd relationship. Why? Because, he is a very loud extrovert while you are a very cold hearted introvert, how those two worlds mix?

His parents, were some really nice people and they were very proud of him getting a girlfriend while your parents, yes they were proud you have gotten yourself in a relationship but they were also worried for you, what if Kimenari dumped you because you couldn't socialize with others or show him some love/affection, express your feelings? But Kimenari reassured them, that he loved you for who you are.

Gosh, what did you do to deserve such an understanding, loving and patient boyfriend? Sure you would sometimes overthink stuffs because of the constant judging of the people, but you didn't have a shit by the second week of your relationship.

“Y/N! Ohayo!” your boyfriend came and pecked you on the lips, then taking your bag on his hand.

“I can carry it on my own, you know?” you raised an eyebrow and continue walking, holding his big hand compared to yours.

“I know, but am I not allowed to be nice to my girlfriend?” he grinned.

“Not all the time you idiot,” you yawned.

“Aw, you haven't gotten any sleep, have you.” he tilted his head a little so he could get a better look at your face, worried.

“I will be fine, I already finished that damn assignment the teach gave us.” you gave his hand a little squeeze, he smiled again.

“Does that mean, we can go out with Bakugo and the guys tomorrow?” he jumped a little.

“Yes, we can.” you looked at him, with soft eyes and a tiny smile on your lips.

“Finally! We can go to-” he started rambling about what you guys could do the following day, and even though he was being so loud early in the morning, you let it pass, admiring every time he smiled.

As he said,you went to the arcade with the bakusquad you never leaving your boyfriend's side. It wasn't your thing being around this crowd, at this time you could be in your warm bed sleeping or either watching some anime, but here you are, with a bunch of people you don't want to talk to.

You boyfriend and Kirishima would constantly be competing at the games, sometimes dragging Bakugo and Sero with them and with your boyfriend stupidity, by now your forehead would be swollen, hell, you wouldn't even have a forehead by how many times you have facepalm yourself.

“Oh shoot!” and he lost again.

“Wanna go again, Kimenari?” Sero smirked at him.

“Oh forget it!” he grabbed your wrist, “Let's go walked around some more.” and so you guys did, looking around and buying some junk food.

The others were playing a game, you and you boyfriend standing behind them holding hands. A chuckle would always scape your lips everytime Bakugo lost, and then blame it in the game saying it's too shitty and so on.

“Mm? You are laughing?” your boyfriend looked at you concerned.

“Oh shut up, you does laugh your ass of everytime you tease him and he gets mad.” you responded.

“Trueee~ wanna get some cotton candy?” he offered and you just nod, letting him drag you away.

“Hi, can I have two please?” he asked when you got to the stall, the man agreeing and you taking your wallet out for it to be teared out of your hands. “What are you doing?” he asked,with your wallet out of your reach.

“Denki, we agreed that you would let me pay.” you whined, not bothering to take your wallet back.

“I said sometimes I would let you pay,” he leaned down a bit, and pinched your nose making you glare at him.

“Here you go, gentleman.” the man handed you both your cotton candy.
Just as you were walking away, you felt someone pulled your hoodie and then your back crushed into a very hard chest. You looked up in confusion to see your idiotic blonde, smiling down at you then place something on your head.

“Wah! You look so cute, Y/N!” he squealed and turn you to sone near by mirror, to see some cat ears on your head.

“Are you kidding me?” you made a face of disgust, ready to take the thing off.

“But you look so cute!” he whined and how can you say no to him?

“Fine,” you sighed and drag him to where the others were, they were all shocked when they saw the cat ears but said nothing.

“Doesn't she look cute!?” he squealed, holding you in place by your shoulders.

“Yeah, she does.” Sero look at you with concerned eyes, but you just shrugged it.

“We will go get us some drinks,” you felt a firm hand on your wrist and the happy voice of Mina ringing in your ears. “We will be back!” she pulled you away before anyone, including you, could protest.

He did indeed, took you both to buy some drinks, but she stayed quiet all the time. And when you were turning back, that's when she decided to talk.

“Y/N, are you happy with Kimenari?”

Were you? He could always get you on your wrong side,yes, but you were really thankful to have him into your life.

“Yes, I am.”

“Don't the whispering gets you on your nerves?”


“Don't you-”

“Get to the point, Ashido.” you growled, already seeing your boyfriend smiling at you.

“My point is,” she stopped on her track so did you. “Don't you hate when he gets too clingy? Loud? Annoying? Why do you sometimes agree to whatever he says, if you find it dumb?”

Oh, she was really asking that? I thought you made it very obvious, reader-chan.

“Because,” you looked at your boyfriend, who was laughing while Bakugo yelled at him and Kirishima tried to stop the ash blonde. “Even if he is loud, annoying, clingy..” you looked back at Mina, with a smile. “His smile, is the most important thing in my life and don't know what I would do if that smile, would suddenly disappear.”

You started walking again and so did she, ”So I always try to do whatever he says, so I can keep that smile on his face.”

The pink girl stared at you, with widen eyes, now she knew that you were both meant for each other. A boyfriend that wants to make his girlfriend happy, and a girlfriend that wants to keep his boyfriend's smile. Just, perfect.

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