Shinso | Sick Kisses

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“Of course.. Dad I know what I have to do... Maybe by next week.. No she isn't that badly sick.. Good bye, Dad. Tell Eri I love her.. Bye!!” the poor wolf hangged up his phone, Aizawa was surely worried about his son's girlfriend but he shouldn't, you aren't that sick or you are going to die.

The purple hair sighed, his purple tail swaging slightly behind him as his ears fell, if he was being honest, he was also worried about you. You rearly got sick, not even with rain or having you hair wet at night made you sick but suddenly out of nowhere, you started to tremble saying the atmosphere cold.

He found this strange since it was mid-day and it was freaking summer!

He took it serious and got you to the doctor, the guy just gave you some medicine and sent you home with a high fever and a sore throat, since then, Shinso started to work from home since he refused to leave your side specially with that fever which made you curl up in bed with your fox tail between your legs and your ears pinned back while whimpering, he hated that sight.

Today, was like any other day, is just that your fever went down a bit which made him happy. He was now in the kitchen preparing some food for you, he would prepare some soup but you also need other vitamins that solid foods provide.

“Hitoshi~?” he heard you call from him whike coming down the stairs, you were wearing one of his hoodies with no bottoms while your hair was a complete mess as you rubbed your right eye walking towards your boyfriend, your fluffy tail swaging lazyly behind you.

“Y/N, you should be in bed right now.” he scolded in a soft voice while kissing the top of your head.

“Abd you should stop kissing me,” you also scolded your voice sounding rusty. “I don't want you to get sick,” you glared up at him.

Shinso just chuckled, his tail swaging happyly as he did. “Wanna help?” he asked, a smile spread on his face you nodded with a gentle smile, it was small but it was a smile, you tail now swagging at a faster rate than before making the older chuckle once again as he wrapped his tail around your waist, keeping you close to him.

As you both prepared breakfast, you would constantly coff a bit making you pissed because you boyfriend kept kissing you cheek, you knew he wanted attention by the way his tail was around you tightly while the tip rubbed your sides, giving in, you hugged him from behind.

Doing this, his tail searched for yours to then curled around it while yours did the same, did action made you groan satisfied as he let out a growl saying that he missed you. He kept doing his thing and once in a while, when he had to look for something--he would turn around and peck your forehead or bite your nose making twitch your tail pissed, but he didn't care.

When the food was ready, he forced you to sit in his lap as you both enjoyed your meal in silence, this silence was comforting and you liked it since you woke up feeling better but as you finished eating, you started to feel tire which made you growl under your breath as your tail swagged furiously.

“Tire?” the purple hair asked noticing the movement of your tail, you answered him with an annoyed groan while placing your arms around his neck. “It will be okay, my little fox.” he whispered kissing you now on the lips while placing a hand on your cheek.

He missed the taste of your mouth which now, tasted like bacon and bitter coffee but he enjoyed it. Hee knew you would yell at him--when you recover the strength to do so--for risking his health just to kiss you, but once again he could care less.

He broke the kiss which you surprisenly respond to, he locked eyes with you making you see the desire in it.

You chuckle, “As much as I want that,” you started. You tail moving towards his face, caressing his cheek sweetly. “You will get sick.” you told him again.

He didn't say anything instead, he captured your tail with his fangs making you hiss while glaring at him. “For you,” he took your tail in his hands starting to strike it at a very dangerous slow rate, which made you close your eyes as you zipped your lips to capture any unnecessary noise that tried to scape from your throat. He moved to your ear, “Anything is worth it.” he concluded, starting to lick you ear showing his love and affection.

So in the end, you both just stayed cuddle up together since Shinso being an overprotective wolf wouldn't let go of you, so you received a lot of love from your boyfriend and kisses.

| This was inspired by a cartoon that I saw a few days ago - it's called “The Bad Guys” - the
group are different type of animals and the leader is a hot sexy wolf, yeah
I just called an animal hot and sexy which reminds me..

You know that fox from Zootopia? Nicholas Wilde?
Well, in my eyes, he reminds me of Dabi
Yes, I'm comparing a fox with our hot burnt nugget Dabi.
Maybe I'm too much of a simp for Dabi or I'm running mad, one out of the two - or both - |

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