Monoma | Set you free (END)

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Few days later the previous event, Monoma's attitude changed again--no, he didn't return to being an asshole maniac on the contrary, he became more affectionated and gentler sometimes making your heart skip a beat.

Okay, let's be real. You have catch some warm feelings for him, feelings that you weren't really sure about, so you tried to figured them out.

Friday afternoon--midday to be specific--after having a wonderful lunch with your dear kidnapper, you went to take a nap and yes I mean it, a nap in your room with the windows and door closed. For some individuals, this seems strange but others likes to sleep in a hot room (specially me), for some reason and they seem to sleep better in hot places than cool ones.

Monoma on the other hand, thinks otherwise. He went to your room to check on you since he wanted to have some snacks and watch TV with, as soon as he entered in your room, he felt like if he was in a freaking oven.

He saw laying in your bed, worriedly that you have lost your sense he rushed himself to your side to find out that you were peacefully sleeping, sighing in relief he smiled at your sleeping figure.

You were in a black basketball shorts that had gone down a bit on your waist, showing the waist band of your underwear, a black thank top that was slightly raised to your abdomen which showed you belly button that was bathed with sweat, your hair was spread across the mattress while your lips were slightly apart letting the blonde hear you even breathing.

It was surely a good view for the male, both hot and cute but he couldn't really risk it. He just stared at your peaceful face, when rain drops started to stain the window.

The rain fell harder making the room temperature drop, while you curled yourself into a ball, seeing this, the blonde took off his fancy shoes slowly climbing onto the bed careful not to wake you up. When he successfully lay next to you, he slowly proceed to wrap his arms around your waist while covering the both of with a blanket.

Feeling warm against your back, you turned around to face the owner of said warmth. You eyes slowly started to open--but not fully--through your blurry vision, you could made out blonde hair and a familiar smile looking down at you, you knew it was Monoma.

But your body and brain said no, so you just decided to ignore the fact that your kidnapper is cuddling you and decided to concentrate in the cold that you were feeling because of the rain, making you snuggle more closer to the male while buring your nose on the crook of his neck.

'He smells like fire.'

The next day, you were in the main hall being held close by your waist while Monoma spoke about some business matter with one of the guest, the latter had a celebration party of the new achievement of his illegal company and he said that you should be there with him at the party.

You agreed but instantly regret it in the first five seconds you were in that hall, the only thing people did, was talk about business.

Monoma had offered you to let you talk with some of his "friends'' wives but you declined, since those woman only knew to gossip and you were not good with that.

Not only you were bored and annoyed, but you were also uncomfortable by the stares you were receiving by the male guests, but well who could blame them the one to blame is standing right next to you, since the mother fucker had ordered you to wear a black dress that hugged your curves really well and it had the back opened till you lower back, he obviously wanted to show off by the constant glance that he gave to people saying;

“Enjoy the view while you can, because you will never have her.” and he also gave them his infamous creepy smile, making you sometimes shiver.

A glass shattered sound echoed across the room, while every single window was being broken people came through it. The guests immediately got their weapons out, protection their partners Monoma doing the same with you pushing you both behind a couch while he shooted to the intruders.

A hand grabbed your wrist dragging you away from the scene, “Y/N!!!” and it wasn't Monoma.

The person had a mask and you couldn't quite make out his face while you struggle out of his grip, but not to long, blood covered your neck as another hand was wrapped around your waist while the man fell on the floor.

You snapped your neck around, seeing Monoma who was looking at you with a sweet smile said smile disappear when he pulled you closer to his body while you hid your face in his chest, clearly hearing the gun shots and a scream behind you.

The blonde looked down at you while you looked up at him, he nod and held your hand tight getting you both out if the mansion--good thing you weren't wearing heels--he lead you both to the garden as you heard a damn helicopter behind you, it seemed like it was near the ground since the Cherry Blossoms were swaging their branches with fury.

Another hand held your free wrist with so much force that made Monoma stop running and nearly falling backwards, looking behind him he saw you brother holding your wrist while glaring at him as he was holding on a lather that the helicopter had drop.

“Let her go,” your brother demanded making the blonde scoff.

“She's mine,” he cleared nodded his head towards a ring that was placed on your ring finger, you didn't even notice it was there.

Your brother looked at the ring that had the blonde's initial, knowing him he was ready to take it if so you clenched your fist.

Your brother looked at you confused while you looked at him with a blank face, he glared tugging onto the lather making the helicopter slowly raise while he didn't let go of your hand neither did Monoma.

“Let her go! You bastard!” at this point, the three of you were a few meters away from the ground.

Monoma glared at your brother, glare that disappeared when you looked at him with a worried expression. He smiled, but it only made you more worry since the helicopter was now above the mansion.

Were you a masoquist? Oh you wouldn't be surprised if you were, maybe this bastard tore you away from your two babies, maybe he used you as his personal whore, maybe he broke you into million pieces, maybe he made your life a leaving hell but that kiss.. could surely mean something.

He gently pressed his soft lips against yours involving them into a sweet and gently kiss that you returned with so much pleasure, you liked it, you loved it since that kiss cleared all your doubts.

You were madly and deeply in love with your sycophant kidnapper.

He pulled away slowly, cupping one of your cheeks with his free hand while you leaned into the warm, a tear rolling down you cheek that was quickly blew away by the amount of breeze that was on the air.

He smiled, letting go of your hand as you worried trying to grab him with your free hand. Your heart was pounding against you chest, so hard you thought it might come out of you ribcage.

Tears started to be shed by your eyes while he kept that stupid smile on his face, your brother had to hold you by your waist keeping you safe in his arms.

“I love you, I will always love you.” he mouthed, letting the breeze messed up his neatly combed hair.


| I'm sorry it had to end like this,
I'm truly sorry I don't usually kill anyone in my fics - not even the characters I hate - but
I truly hope you enjoyed it and please try not
to kill me. |

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