Anna-Chapter 2

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It was the first day of second semester and I was already ready to quit life. I hated math and my math teacher I honestly hated most classes the only thing that made school bearable was seeing her. Her. My thoughts were filled with her beautiful blonde hair. Her beautiful eyes. Her smile. It filled my entire mind. The only thing I ever talked about was her. Lyssa. I knew I hardly had a chance with a senior and someone as amazing as her. I stalked her TikTok and Instagram already. I knew so much about her and her life. I stared at her every day talking to coach Blake. Her. Everything was about her. I couldn't think straight because of her. My friends were bored hearing no new information about her but seeing my Lock Screen of her at the beach. Seeing her everyday on my phone made me feel something. Something different. It was like I was lusting over someone I barely knew. Maybe though. Maybe I had a chance after hearing about her toxic relationship. I wanted her. I wanted every part of her. I wanted her physical and mental state in my life every day. I needed to talk to her. I needed to hear her voice. I just wanted her so badly I could hardly hold it in. Everyday seeing her especially one day. In her cheer uniform. Short skirt and all. I stared at her legs as she walks through the hallway and suddenly. She turned around. I saw her eyes. The surprise on her face as she took in my entire appearance. I could feel her eyes raking over me. The encounter only lasted 2 seconds but it felt like and eternity as she stared into her ocean blue eyes.

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