Lyssa-Chapter 3

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I couldn't get that girl out of my damn head. No matter how hard I tried to unsee her face I just...couldn't. I finally looked her up on Instagram and found that she hardly even posted on her main story. What kind of person doesn't even post yet has Instagram?? I found myself wondering. The rest of the day all I thought about was her eyes. They seemed to capture me in a way no one else's did. Not even Justin made me feel that way. I had to keep telling myself that I love him and he is the only one I will ever be with. But her...I needed to know her. Somehow I just needed to know her. Even if we were only friends I would take that! I just needed to hear her voice. Had that whole friend group been staring at me the whole damn first semester too?? Questions swirled my brain as I fought to figure out my emotions. Eventually we got to 6th period where I had my most dreaded teacher. I instantly decided that I would go see Justin to prove to myself that he's really the one I love. I texted him several times telling him I was on my way to see him. All I got back from him was a simple "can't come over out right now." I felt angry but the more I drove I just felt hurt. He was probably out with that girl. Julia...Juliet...Jewel. Whatever her name was this wasn't the first time. I willed myself not to cry as I pulled back up to the student parking lot. I knew I had to go see Coach Blake so I could talk to him about what just happened. I stepped out of my car only to see her again. She was sitting outside on one of the benches playing her flute. Of course she had band this period I cursed. Her hair blew every so slightly with the breeze. I saw her laughing with another girl, she had similar brown hair but they both looked extremely different. They were both cackling with laughter and I nearly tripped walking up the street to get into the front office. She turned her head and I ducked. I felt like an idiot ducking in the parking lot but just dropped my keys to mask what I was really doing. As soon as I heard the bell ring I bolted back into the front office and just claimed I had rescheduled my doctors appointment. Luckily she let me off even thought I could feel the suspicion radiating from her. I hurried to Coach's room to tell him about the encounter and to see if he knew anything about her. But then I saw her again. I saw her walking up from the stairs and my mind went straight to the gutter. I thought about all the dirty things I would do if I were with her. But reality and Justin came creeping into my mind. It was almost painful seeing her since I knew she was a freshmen. I couldn't date a freshmen. I couldn't have that reputation! I walked away from her knowing that she was staring at me. It was like I...I wanted her to stare at me. I wanted to feel her gaze. But more importantly I wanted to feel her lips touching mine...God what was wrong with me why couldn't I pull myself together and just fight the feelings I had for her. I turned and walked right into the Health classroom and told Coach about what was happening with this girl. He told me her name...Anna. He also told me that he had her 2nd period. I think he could see the wanting in my eyes. I could do second period. I could come in here every day. He told me more about her but the last thing he told me was "She and her friends have been talkin' about you. I think she has a little crush." He said teasingly. The fire in my belly grew and I told him I had to go to 7th period. I was confused. She liked me? She doesn't know me. I have a boyfriend. But the more and more I thought about her the more and more I started falling for her...I wanted her. I wanted her to love me.

Lyssa for the first time in 5 months saw herself with someone other than Justin...she saw herself...loving Anna.

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