"I can't see!"- Harry

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Louis and Harry were currently taking a break from music and work while vacationing in the Bahamas.

They had done many things there. So far they went skydiving, ate at many restaurants, visited museums, and spent time at the beach.

"Hurry up Harry. We don't have all day!" Louis banged on the bathroom door.

Harry swung the door open, looking like a model from a magazine. He was dressed in a white short sleeve button up that had a pair of sunglasses hanging from the top. 3 gold rings sat on each of his hands. He wore black shorts and sage green converse and his hair was pulled up into a bun.

"I'm ready," Harry announced and he didn't realize how close Louis was to him until he felt the air leave Louis's mouth as he let out a tiny gasp.

"Yes?" Harry chuckled.

"Woah," was all Louis said.

Harry raised his eyebrows and smiled slyly.

"Lou, you're staring," Harry said.

Louis opened his mouth to say something but then closed it.

"And I thought you said you were ready?" Harry reminded.

"Harry, why are you still talking?" Louis furrowed his eyebrows.


"Don't 'hm' me! Kiss me, you fool," Louis demanded.

Harry laughed and leaned forward, letting his lips capture Louis's. Though his eyes were closed, he could still feel where Louis was.

He brought one of his hands up to Louis's neck while the other held his waist.

He felt Louis's fingers cup the back of his neck as the kiss deepened.

Harry broke the kiss first, in need for air.

Harry looked at Louis's now pink lips and pecked them before saying, "let's go."


The two arrived at a rental place to rent vespas. (Those are those bike/motorcycle looking things that people use when they're on vacation)

"That'll be $50," the saleswoman spoke.

Harry handed her the money and him and Louis picked out which color vespa they wanted.

They got onto the vehicles and took off.

"Follow me!" Louis shouted.

The two rode on a trail with Louis leading and Harry behind him.

They were riding for quite some time before they passed a large branch lying on the trail.

"Watch out for this branch!" Louis yelled.

But Harry didn't hear him, the wind rushing in his ears was too loud.

Harry's vespa went over the branch and because of how fast he was going, it caused him to fly out of his seat.

"HARRY!" Louis screamed.

Louis hit the brakes and ran to where Harry was laying lifelessly.

"Harry, Harry, Harry! Wake up! Oh god. Harry!" Louis cried.

Louis scooped up an unconscious Harry into his arms and checked for his pulse.

Tears fell down his cheeks when he felt one there.

"Oh Harry. Please wake up," Louis pleaded.


"Please wake up, baby. Please," Louis held Harry's hand from the chair beside Harry's hospital bed.

As if Harry heard Louis's pleads, his eyes fluttered open but there was something missing.

The beautiful greenness was still there, but the spark was gone.

"Oh, sweetheart. Oh my god. You're awake," Louis sighed.

"Lou... am I awake?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"Y-yeah, you're awake. What's wrong?" Louis asked.

Harry shook his head, "no, no. I have to be dreaming! I'm asleep! No, no, no no!"

"Harry, sweetheart, you're awake. It's okay. Try to calm down," Louis was becoming very worried for Harry's sake.

"Louis. No, no! Louis!" Harry yelled.

"Baby, baby. Listen to me. I need you to tell me what's wrong. Can you tell me?" Louis looked into Harry's eyes, trying to make eye contact, "Harry, look at me."

"I-I-I can't!" Harry stuttered.

"What do you mean? Why not?"

"I can't see!"

And that's what broke both Louis and Harry.

Harry began to sob so hard he was gasping. His body trembled as he tried to catch his breath but crying so hard make it extremely difficult.

Louis was quick to move onto Harry's bed and bring him into his arms.

"Shh. Shhh. Shhh. It's okay sweetie. It's okay."


"Louis!" Harry called.

"Yeah?" Louis answered from across the hotel.

Harry didn't answer.

"I'm coming!"

Louis walked to the living room and saw Harry standing still.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked.

"I don't know where the c-couch is a-and I don't want to fall," Harry whispered, biting his lip to keep from crying.

"Oh, love," Louis sighed.

"Where are you?" Harry sobbed.

Louis took that as his cue to run to him and press a kiss to his forehead.

He cupped Harry's cheeks and rubbed his cheekbone, "I'm here. I'm right here. I'm sorry. It's gonna be okay. Here let me help you to the couch, darling."

Louis wrapped and arm around Harry and led him to the couch. He helped him sit down and kissed his head softly.

"There you go sweetheart, it's okay," Louis soothed.

Harry reached out and touched Louis's neck and then cupped it with his hands.

Harry pressed his forehead against Louis's.

Louis smiled, "You found me."

Next up:
Toothache- Louis
Cyclic vomiting syndrome- Louis

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