Appendicitis 2- Louis

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Harry's POV

Louis was released from the hospital a couple days after his surgery. He was having trouble walking because of the pain, but with my help he was alright.

This was the fourth day he's been out of the hospital and he's been acting a little weird. He hasn't been talking as much. Like he would respond by nodding or shaking his head or by using short answers like 'yes', 'I don't know', and 'tired'.

I have to say, I'm still pretty worried about him. I know he's still in pain even though he denies it every time I ask.

Now we were laying in the bed watching 'Property Brothers'. Louis had his head rested on my chest and I was caressing his face and hair. I would make comments about what was happening on the tv and when he didn't respond I paused the tv.

"Lou? What's the matter? You seem off," I finally said.

Louis just shook his head.

I gently started to rub his back, "Just talk to me baby. What's wrong?"

Louis whimpered quietly and I brought him in closer to me.

"Please Lou," I begged.

"Don't feel good," Louis whispered.

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Nauseous, head hurts, tummy hurts, really cold."

I put a hand to his forehead, and it felt pretty hot.

This wasn't good. I now noticed he was slightly shivering.

"Oh no. Is it a tummy ache or is it from surgery?" I asked.


"Ok, here take these," I reached over to the nightstand and reached for the ibuprofen and handed it to Louis.

Louis took the pills dry and leaned back into me.

"Babe, I'm gonna get a thermometer ok? I'll be back," I got out of the bed and as quickly as possible came back with the thermometer.

Louis opened his mouth as I brought the device close to him.

It beeped and read 102.7.

"You have a fever. You really aren't feeling good are you bub?

Louis suddenly groaned out startling me.

"What's wrong baby?" I put my hand on his arm.

"My stomach. It burns," Louis said tears in his eyes.

"Can I look?" I asked.

He nodded and sat up slowly.

I lifted his shirt and gasped at what I saw.

"Oh gosh."

"What?" Louis asked.

When he looked down at his stomach he winced when he saw two of the stitches undone and blood smeared over them along with a greenish color around the stitches on his skin.

"H-Harry. Harry. What's wrong with me? H-Harry?"

"Shh shh. It's ok love. I think we should get you to the hospital."

"I don't want to go back there. Please Hazza. Don't make me go," Louis pleaded.

I bit my lip, not knowing what to do. This didn't look good. Something was really wrong. My Lou was sick and he doesn't want to go to the place where they would help. I was torn.

"I am so sorry Louis, but you need help. I can't help you on my own. We have to go so you can feel better, my love."

Louis started to cry at this and god, I felt so bad for him.

I cupped his cheek and kissed his tears away.

He grabbed onto my shoulders and I got on my knees so I was level with him. He hugged me tightly and I returned the hug just as tight.

"Come on love. Let's go," I pulled away from him and got our shoes from the closet.

I slipped on my boots and helped Louis put on his adidas.

Louis stood up a little too fast and fell into me. I caught him with ease, since he was much smaller than me.

"You ok?" I looked at him in my arms.

Louis quickly shook his head.

"What's wrong?" I stared at him with wide eyes.

He weakly pushed me out of the way and ran to the bathroom.

I ran to follow him and I saw him on his knees retching.

"Oh bub," I kneeled down and rubbed his back and as soon as he was done I went into action quickly.

I quickly wiped his mouth and flushed the toilet. I searched for a sick bucket and placed it in Louis's hands then I picked him up bridal style.

He immediately dug his face into my chest and involuntarily whimpered as I carried him to the car.

The sound of him whimpering and groaning in pain made me want to cry. I couldn't stand seeing or hearing my boyfriend in this much pain.

I sat him in the passenger's seat and drove to the hospital with one hand on the wheel and the other holding Louis's hand.

He threw up again while we pulled up to the hospital so I was able to rub his back and whisper reassuring words to him.

When he was done, I got out of the car and picked Louis up again and walked him in the hospital with his hands wrapped around my neck.

A doctor was able to see Louis and took him to a private room and immediately knew that his stitches were infected.

"Did you guys get any cream or some type of cleaning kit or instructions?" The doctor asked brushing his fingers over Louis's stitches.

Louis winced and squeezed my hand.

"No. They just told us he was good to go," I told the doctor.

"Well that's most likely the problem."

The doctor looked in a cabinet and started an iv line to put in Louis.

"I'll have to resew the stitches and clean the wound. This iv has pain meds in it," the doctor explained.

The doctor did his stitches and cleaned his wound and bandaged the wound rather fast.

"Leave this bandage on until tomorrow at noon, then make sure you clean it with a cotton ball and this," the doctor handed me a bottle of cream,"twice a day. Preferably when he wakes and when he goes to sleep."

"Thank you sir," I thanked him and Louis and I were able to leave the hospital, but at Louis's request, him in my arms. Not that I was complaining.

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