Hurt at football (soccer) game

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"Yes Louis! You've got this! Whoooo!" Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Harry all cheered for their band mate who was playing during a soccer charity match.

Louis had taken the ball from his opponent and was dribbling toward the goal with speed.

He was definitely going to score, or so everyone thought.

Louis was on a roll, he had already scored a goal and assisted in 3 other ones.

"He's on you Tommo!" One of Louis's teammates yelled as his opponent gained up in him. The opponent was twice Louis size and was the most aggressive player on the field and he was gonna take Louis out.

As Louis go closer to the goal, the opponent shoved Louis, making him stumble. When it wasn't enough to make Louis lose the ball, he gave him another hard shove to his back and kicked the back of his leg.

Louis fell down hard and everyone could heard the loud, sickening crack of Louis leg.

Louis let out a pained yell as he gripped his leg and withered in pain.

"Tommo, you alright?" His teammate— Sebastian asked running towards Louis hurt body which was laying down on the field, unable to sit still as pain encompassed his leg.

Harry shot up from his seat as soon as he went down. His eyebrows scrunched in confusion about what was going on on the field.

"Harry, take a seat lad, his teammates will get him," Zayn assured.

When Louis didn't respond to his mate, Sebastian yelled, "Coach, medic! He's hurt!"

The team's coach ran towards Louis crumpled form and saw from the pained look on Louis's face that he really was in a lot of pain.

The coach and Sebastian whispered something to one another, that Harry and the boys couldn't quite make out.

Harry turned to the boys with worry in his eyes, "I think he's really hurt."

"Yeah, it must be pretty bad, I heard a crack all the way up here," Niall said.

"Screw it I'm going down there. He needs help or at least comfort and they're doing nothing," Harry walked away frustrated.

He jogged across the field to where his love was laying.

"What are you guys doing? Is help on the way?" Harry asked once he got to Louis, Sebastian, and the coach.

"No, it's probably, just a sprain," The coach said as if it were no big deal.

"Did you not hear the crack of his bone breaking? Or are you deaf? He needs help."

Harry kneeled down to Louis and held his hand tightly, "Squeeze as tight as you want baby."

Louis reconized that voice anywhere. He knew that it was his beloved boyfriend telling him to hold his hand as tight as he needed. So he did, he squeezed Harry's hand hard enough that his knuckles went pale.

"Is it your leg that's hurting love?" Harry asked softly.

"Mmhm," Louis replied as he was in too much pain to muster out words.

"Do you think you need a doctor?" Harry asked him even though, he was going to call for help anyway.

Louis nodded and squeezed his hand even tighter as a new wave of pain seared through his leg.

Harry whipped out his phone from his back pocket and called Emergency Services.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator asked.

"It's my boyfriend, he took a fall and I heard his leg crack and he's in a lot of pain."

"Ok, and do you know your location?"

"Yeah, yeah. We're at 3542 Strormbend Parkway."

"Help is on the way."

Harry ended the phone call and returned his focus back to Louis who was settled down a bit now.

"Just hang on, help is coming Lou," Harry ran a hand through Louis's sweaty hair.

By now the game had been cancelled and rescheduled and most of the guests and soccer members have gone home. Liam, Zayn, and Niall have joined Harry, Sebastian, and the coach on the field.

"How're you feeling Louis?" Niall asked.

"Hurts so fucking much," Louis responded through gritted teeth.

Liam bent down to grab Louis's other hand while Niall rubbed his back and Zayn rubbed his arm.

Louis felt so loved in this moment, he couldn't help but shut his eyes to enjoy the feeling.

"You with us Lou?" Harry asked.

Louis opened his eyes and looked at his boys.

"Mhm," Louis responded.

Minutes later, the ambulance arrived and drove Louis to the hospital. The doctors had said he broke his leg and put it in a long green cast.

Harry made sure to be careful with him and to take care of him until he was all healed up, as well as the boys.

Larry Stylinson one shots (sickfics/hurtfics)Where stories live. Discover now