Louis epilepsy

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Louis had struggled with having seizures ever since he was 20. He was now 27 and hadn't had a seizure in 6 months.

He took his medication that was supposed to lessen his seizures tremendously, and for the most part, it helped. That is until today.

"Hey Lou, you alright?" Harry asked, noticing Louis was standing up in their living room staring at the wall.

When Louis didn't answer, Harry spoke again, "Love, are you alright?"

When Harry got closer to Louis he noticed his chest was moving up and down rapidly signaling he was breathing heavily.

"Oh no..." Harry mumbled under his breath. He moved in front of him and held his hand, "Lou, baby, do you know where you are?"

Louis didn't respond, just continued to breathe heavily.

"Ok, ok, uhm," Harry whispered to himself, knowing all too well Louis was about to have a seizure.

All of the sudden Louis started to mumbled nonsense and before Harry knew it, his eyes shut and he collapsed. Harry moved quickly to catch him before he hurt himself.

He got Louis on the floor on his side and placed a pillow from the couch under his head.

"It's ok honey, take your time, it's alright. I'm here with you. It's Harry," Harry spoke gently to Louis who was currently unconscious.

After about 10 seconds, Louis started to tremble violently. Grunts and groans slipped from his lips as he could not control his body.

All Harry could do was watch and hope that it would be over soon. And eventually it did end.

Louis opened his eyes and moaned in pain.

Harry kneeled down next to him.

"Oh baby. It's ok, you're ok now."

"Har-har," Louis was cut off by a groan.

"Shh shh, it's ok, it's me. I'm here.

"Wh- where?" Louis whimpered, his vision still blurry.

Harry grabbed his hand and put a hand on his cheek, "I'm right here love."

Louis started to cry harder, "Harry. Harry! It's blurry!"

"Shh. I know baby. I know. I'm gonna pick you up alright? I'm gonna carry you to our bed," Harry stood up and picked up Louis.

Once they reached their room, Harry laid Louis onto the bed gently.

"Close your eyes love, try to sleep," Harry soothed.

"Please don't," Louis whispered, looking up at Harry with teary eyes.

"Don't what, baby?"

"Don't leave," Louis answered weakly.

"Oh love. Of course not. I'll stay with you. Just try to fall asleep for me. Ok?" Harry began stroking Louis's hair.

Louis nodded slightly and shut his eyes.

Hours later, when he woke up, Louis inhaled deeply and looked around to see Harry laying next to him on his phone.

"Haz?" Louis mumbled.

Harry turned to Louis to see him with his eyes open.

"Hey baby. How're you feeling?" Harry set his phone down.

"Dizzy, weak, I don't know," Louis sighed.

"Hey, that's perfectly ok," Harry grabbed Louis cheeks, stroking his cheekbone.

Louis climbed up closer to Harry and dug his head into his collarbone and whimpered softly.

Harry rubbed his back in a circular motion and held him close.

"You ok love?"

"I hate this," Louis whined.

"I know baby. But it's over for now. Try not to worry now," Harry soothed.

Louis then mumbled something Harry couldn't quite make out and slipped his hands underneath Harry so he was fully hugging him.

"I love you so much Louis," Harry said after a few moments of silence.

"I love you too, Haz."

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