Harry migraine

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"Shh. Shh. Breaths baby, take some breaths," Louis tried his best to soothe me from the pounding in my head.

I get migraines every couple of months but each time it happens, it feels like a million people are banging hammers against my head.

I couldn't see, I couldn't breathe. I could only whither and hyperventilate in pain.

I had taken medicine for it but I threw it up. That's how bad it was. It was rare that I threw up while having a migraine but when I did, it was just a sign for Louis to be extra careful with me.

I was laying on my bed that Louis helped me crawl onto after I complained of a simple headache. He knew it would get worse and progress into a migraine when I started to get more and more unresponsive.

Louis had turned off the lights so it wouldn't make me feel worse and he was rubbing my arm, back, and thigh, depending on how I was laying.

"You're gonna be okay. Just try to breathe through it love. Calm down a bit. Breathe," Louis gently said.

I didn't notice I was going to fall off the bed until Louis pulled me to the center and wrapped his arms around me. He held my hand a continued to say soothing things to me.

"Lou," I choked.


"I can't—mmm heh mmm- it hu-hurts! Aghh! Fuck!" I shouted unable to keep calm like he asked me to.

Louis let go of me and I felt him get out of bed.

"Haz, baby, can you try to drink this and keep it down?" Louis held a cup of something that I couldn't quite make out.

"It's to help you sleep," Louis said.

"I'll try," I whispered.

He brought the small cup to my lips and I swallowed the cherry flavored medicine.

Louis put a hand on my forehead and gently moved some of my sweaty hair from my eyes.

He sat down on the bed next to me and stroked my cheek.

"If you get sleepy, it's ok, just sleep," Louis said trying to lock his eyes with my unfocused ones.

"Mmm," I moaned, "It hurts."

"I know love," Louis whispered, "Just try to relax, ok?"

"Mhm," I replied realizing my shoulders were pulled up and my arms and legs were stiff.

Louis pulled me closer to his warm body and rubbed my back softly.

Him being so close and caring and gentle, allowed me to relax my muscles and sink into his touch.

"Mmm. Loulou," I murmured after a couple of minutes.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Gonna be sick," I said lowly.

"Ok, ok. Let's get to the bathroom," Louis sat up and helped me up too. He grabbed ahold of my waist and guided me to the bathroom in front of the toilet.

Louis helped me kneel down and rubbed my back as I breathed heavily over the toilet.

I felt it coming, and it felt like I was breathing heavily over the toilet for hours before I felt my stomach lurch.

I burped sickly, then threw up my medicine as well as stomach acid.

My throat burned as there was no food left for me to puke up. I continued to gag loudly, trying to force myself to throw up more, hoping I would feel better.

I gagged until more stomach acid sloshed out of my mouth and I was too weak to hover over the toilet. I collapsed backwards and thankfully Louis was there to catch me.

I was wrong, throwing up did not help me feel better.

My head was still pounding hard against my skull making it hard to focus.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt Louis stroke the tears off my face.

"Shh. Shhh. You're ok darling. Don't get so upset. You're alright. Breathe for me. Ok? Take a couple of deep breaths."

I suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me as I took some deep breaths.

"That's it. Calm down baby," Louis soothed me.

I turned my body slightly and leaned into my love. I sighed deeply before shutting my eyes and clinging onto Louis's shirt.

Louis held onto me and hummed some song, which was helping me sleep away the migraine.

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