Car crash 2- Louis

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After a week of healing and resting, Louis was released from the hospital. He was put on a pair of crutches, even though his arm was put in a cast.

"Do you need help getting up love?" Harry asked as Louis struggled and winced as he tried to sit up.

Louis sighed, "Please."

Harry moved the top of Louis's bed up so he was sitting upright. He grabbed underneath Louis's legs and his back and lifted him up and set him down on his feet, mindful of his leg.

He handed Louis his crutches and Louis took them.

Harry moved out of the way as he watched Louis struggle to even take a step.

"Here, let me show you," Harry took the crutches and walked a few steps with his leg slightly lifted.

"See, just like that," Harry demonstrated.

"No, I know how to use them, it just hurts my arm," Louis explained.

"Oh, I see. Do you want me to carry you?" Harry offered.

"Yeah," Louis looked down ashamed.

"Hey," Harry lifted Louis's chin so he could look at him. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. You're hurt, I get that."

Louis smiled and kissed Harry on the lips lightly.

Harry had a nurse carry Louis's crutches to the car after Harry finished filling out the paperwork.

Harry helped Louis sit down in the passenger's seat and drove them home.

Harry had to wake Louis when the arrived, as he was exhausted.

"Come on babe, let's get you to bed," Harry carried Louis to their bedroom and tucked him under the covers.

"Please stay with me," Louis mumbled, half asleep.

"I will baby, I always will."

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