Stomach flu- Harry

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I ran to the bathroom and collapsed on my knees to vomit into the toilet for the third time today.

Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam were all down stairs hanging out without me because I insisted to 'stay asleep' because of how 'tired I am'.

It wasn't a complete lie, I was tired but it was because I knew from the moment I woke up that I was sick. I didn't tell Louis because I didn't want to worry him and keep him from having fun with the boys.

So I was sick and alone. I felt so horrible. My head was pounding in my skull, my stomach was churning even while I slept and I felt weak all over. A couple times I didn't even make it to the toilet so I was forced to throw up on the floor. My whole body was so cold and I needed any type of warmth.

I got off the floor and turned the shower on hot and undressed myself with very shaky hands. I turned to look in the mirror and wasn't exactly surprised at what I saw.

My cracked lips were chattering, my face was very pale, I had dark purple eye bags, and beads of sweat were matting my hair.

I sighed and turned away, stepping into the shower.

I immediately felt the hot steam as I stepped into the shower and gasped loudly when I slipped on my way in, falling on my bum.

I felt my eyes burn as a tear slipped down my face as I felt humiliated. I'm a grown man and I can't even shower without messing up.

I'm guessing my fall made a loud sound because as I got up, I heard a knock on the door followed by a, "Harry? Are you ok in there?"

"Yeah I'm fine Louis," I called back.

I decided against actually washing up because that would take too much energy that I don't have.

After letting the water hit my back for about 10 minutes, I turned the shower off and dried myself off and put on a pair of boxers, as I was too weak to put on a full outfit.

Somehow, I felt worse than when I first got in. I felt a whole lot weaker and my stomach hurt so bad I had to sit down for a minute.

I fought to keep my eyes open as the pain was making them heavy.

I stood up and was horrified when I saw black spots.

And that's the last thing I saw before I felt a hand on my cheek, slapping in gently.

"Harry? Baby, are you awake?" Louis's voice was very cloudy in my head. It felt like I was underwater.

"Wha- L-Lou... Louis," I mumbled fluttering my eyes open.

I was met my Louis staring at me with worried eyes.

"I'm here love. Do you remember what happened?"

"Took a shower," I whispered feeling nauseous. I opened my eyes a bit more and took notice of my surroundings. I was no longer in the bathroom but laying on my bed in Louis's arms. The other boys were surrounding us with the same look of worry.

Louis noticed I was looking around frantically.

"Don't worry, we found you in the bathroom so we brought you to the bed," Louis explained.

I closed my eyes and gripped my stomach suddenly when a pain seared though it.

"You have a bad fever. You must feel terrible," Louis cooed.

My chest felt hot and I felt my throat itch. I slapped a hand over my mouth— I know what was coming.

"Zayn! Bucket!" Louis yelled causing me to groan.

"Here's a sick bucket sweet," Louis held the bucket below my face and I gagged but nothing came out.

It felt like I was choking because of how many times I gagged. I began to breathe heavily until I finally threw up. I felt Louis rub up and down my back and heard him shush me soothingly.

I felt truly awful as I threw up multiple times. I felt tears fall from my eyes and I leaned back into Louis's lap when I was finished.

"Hey, don't cry love. It's ok. You'll be ok. Liam's got some medicine for you."

Liam came forward and handed me the cup of medicine. I brought a shaky hand up to grab it, but it was held and brought back down by Louis who took it instead.

"Let me. You're so shaky," Louis brought it up to my lips and helped me drink the medicine.

I really just wanted to be alone with Lou and have him hold my hand and cuddle me or rub my aching tummy.

As if Louis could read my mind, he asked the boys, "Could you guys give us some privacy?"

All the boys either nodded or said sure.

When they left, Louis bent over and kissed my forehead.

"Why didn't you tell me you were feeling poorly love?"

"Didn't want you to worry," I said between crying.

"It's ok. Just tell me next time so I can take care of you," Louis held me close feeling my shivers.


"What hurts bubba?"

"My tummy Lou! And I feel weak. I just don't feel good," I sobbed.

"Shh sh shhh. It's ok. I've got you. I'll make sure you feel all better Hazza," Louis promised.

I fisted his shirt in one hand and rubbed my tummy with the other.

I whimpered softly, feeling lightheaded.

"Oh, my poor baby. Let's lay down so you can get some rest, ok?"

I let Louis lay us back and I cuddled into his chest holding my stomach still.

I was still crying, just not as hard.

I felt Louis rub my back and smooth out my hair.

"Louis," I whimpered.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm cold but also like hot at the same time. Is that weird? I think it's a little weird. But also not weird cause like who isn't hot or cold?," I mumbled.

"Hey baby?"


"How about you try to get some sleep, I think you fever is messing with your head a bit," Louis said, but he wasn't making any sense.

I eventually fell asleep but when I woke up again, I felt really confused.

'How did I get on the bed? And who is holding me? What is that pounding sound? And why does my throat hurt so bad?'

The person holding me shifted and said to me, "hey love, how're you feeling?"

I know that voice. Always so gentle when speaking to me. Of course, it's Louis.

"I don't kn-know... wha-what's that noise? You hear that? It's so loud," I whispered holding my head in my hands as the pounding sound was making me weak.

I start to sit up, looking around for something to stop the sound.

"No, no...shhhh. Shh, it's alright. It's nothing. It's ok, go back to sleep." Louis speaks softly to me.

I would have protested if I had some strength but this sickness stole all I had. I sank back into Louis's chest and closed my eyes. I felt him wrap his arms around my middle and kiss my cheek.

"Just try to sleep darling. You'll fell better soon. I promise," Louis soothed.

And I believed him, every word.

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