Harry- cancer

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Louis walked back into Harry's hospital room with a cup of tea in his hand.

Louis pushed the door open and was met by Harry laying on the bed, eyes shut, beanie pulled over his head, and mouth slightly opened.

He's been really sick lately, throwing up frequently and looking deathly pale. He was skinny, skinnier that usual and his face had sunken in, eye bags prominent.

Louis's heart melts every time he sees Harry, looking worse and worse everyday. He takes Harry's hand in his and kisses it lightly.

"Harry, I have your tea. Wake up love," Louis gently shook Harry, careful not to move around the tubes in his nose, helping him breathe and the iv connected to his arm.

Harry opened his eyes slowly and groaned softly.

"Hey Haz, I've got some tea, do you think you can drink it?" Louis asked knowing Harry hadn't been able to swallow full meals and was mainly on a liquid diet.

"I'll try," Harry murmured.

Louis helped Harry sit up and put some pillows behind his back so it would be easier for him to drink.

Louis handed Harry the tea and Harry slowly drank it.

Harry sighed in content, as the tea warmed him up. He was constantly cold at this point. He was only in stage 2 of bone cancer but it was absolutely horrible.

"How are you feeling?" Louis asked.

"You already asked me that earlier," Harry responded.

"I know, but I want to ask again," Louis frowned.

Harry knew how much it hurt Louis to see him so weak and vulnerable all the time. He knew how much it hurt him to see his husband in pain day after day and know that there isn't anything he could do for him.

"I'm fine," Harry insisted, but Louis knew him better than that.

"No, love, you're not. Tell me what's wrong," Louis sat down on the bed next to Harry.

Harry sighed, "I feel really weak, and my knees hurt anytime I move."

Louis pursed his lips and looked at Harry sadly. He kissed his head right below where his beanie laid.

"Just try not to move around too much then," Louis said.

Harry inhaled deeply and closed his eyes tightly reaching for Louis's hand suddenly.

"Hey... What's wrong? What's happening baby?" Louis questioned, taking Harry's hand.

"Hurts," Harry choked out.

"Where does it hurt love?" Louis asked.


"Ok, it's ok, try to breathe through it, it'll go away soon," Louis soothed.

"What if it doesn't?" Harry whimpered.

"Shhh, Harry. It will. It will," Louis squeezed his hand softly.

Harry continued to whimper in pain for about 5 minutes before his whimpers were hushed.

Louis looked at him in concern while stroking his hand with his thumb.

"Good?" Louis asked once it seemed Harry had calmed down.

Harry shook his head no.

"Does it still hurt?" Louis spoke.

"Come cuddle me," Harry whispered, "Please."

Without a word, Louis moved the blanket that was covering Harry away and slipped under it, taking his shoes off.

Harry went to move to cuddle Louis, but was stopped by a pain in his leg again.

He whimpered pathetically before Louis spoke again, "No no, it's ok. You stay there."

Louis took Harry's cheeks in his hands and kissed him ever so gently, "You are the love of my life. I hope you will always know that."

Harry nodded, "I love you too."

Louis leaned his head forward so his and Harry's foreheads were touching.

Louis kept his hand on Harry's cheek and closed his eyes.

"Get some rest love," Louis whispered.

Harry closed his eyes and sighed, focusing on Louis and his sweet scent of peppermint.

Louis soon fell asleep but Harry was kept awake by guilt and pain.

He blamed himself for having such a weak immune system and worrying the living hell out of Louis. He believed it was his fault Louis had to stay wake with him when he got sick in the middle of the night. It was his fault Louis had to spend all his free time at the hospital with him.

The guilt mixed with the pain in his joints made it impossible not not cry.

He didn't even realize he was sobbing until Louis woke up, rubbing his eyes.

"Haz?" Louis murmured.

Harry didn't respond.

"Harry, baby? What's wrong, what hurts? Do you want me to get a nurse?"

"No, no I'm ok," Harry said, voice breaking.

Louis sat up, "Love, you're crying. What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry for worrying you so much," Harry cried.

Louis's face softened, "no baby... it's- it's ok. It isn't your fault. None of this is your fault."

Harry let out a low sob, grimacing.

"Do you need a nurse?" Louis started to caress Harry's cheek with his thumb.

"Yeah," Harry whispered.

"I'll be back baby," Louis got off the bed and kissed Harry's forehead before going to find a nurse.

Minutes later, Louis and a nurse walked back in.

The nurse filled Harry's iv with pain medicine and left them alone.

"You'll feel better really soon, okay?" Louis said.

Harry sniffed and nodded.

"My poor love. I'm sorry you're in pain," Louis sympathized.

Harry just let out another sob, clutching onto Louis's arm.

Louis moved up and lifted Harry's head so it rested on his lap. Louis would always do this when Harry was in pain and would usually stroke his hair, but ever since the cancer caused his hair to fall out, Louis would just caress his cheek and plant kisses onto his forehead, below the beanie he would always wear.

"It's ok, I've got you baby. You're not a burden. It's not your fault. It's not your fault. I promise you none of this is your fault. Please don't blame yourself," Louis repeated these words to Harry over and over.

Soon, like Louis said, the pain subsided and he fell back asleep surrounded by the warmth Louis's arms held.

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