Seizure 2012

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"Boys! Come quick!" Niall called.

Liam, Zayn, and Harry all came running from the living room to Louis's bedroom where he and Niall were playing video games.

"What's wr-" Liam asked walking in the room but got cut off by the sight of Louis violently shaking and convulsing on the floor.

"Louis! Oh my god!" Harry pushed past the boys and kneeled beside Louis knowing what to do.

He took off his hoodie and balled it up and placed it under Louis head and turned him to his side.

"What's happening to him?" Liam asked, tears streaming down his cheeks watching one of his best friends suffer.

"N-Niall. How long has it been?" Harry was sobbing at this point at the sight of his boyfriend in the midst of a seizure.

"He just started. I-I don't know what to do," Niall stuttered.

"Zayn, start a timer and call 911." Harry ordered.

"Louis please. Stop. Just calm down please? You're really scaring me. Please be okay," Harry cried.

After about 2 minutes, Louis's seizing came to a stop and 5 minutes after, he came to.

"Louis? Are you ok? Please be ok. Please," Harry begged, scooping Louis into his arms.

"Hazza. I don't feel good," Louis went limp in Harry's arms.

"I know I know. Try to stay awake, yeah? Are you hurt?"

"My head hurts really bad," Louis complained, leaning into Harry.

"What happened? Why are you guys crying?"

"Baby, you just had a seizure," Harry told him.

"Oh," was all Louis could say.

All of the boys heard a knock on the door followed by "Emergency Services!"

Niall bolted to get the door and led them to Louis.

"So you're friend had a seizure, correct?" One of the paramedics asked.

"Yes, is he ok?" Zayn asked worriedly.

"What's your name son?" He asked Louis, automatically assuming he was the one who had the seizure, seeing he was laying in Harry's lap.

"Louis," he whispered, scared of what was happening to him.

"How are you feeling Louis? Any pain?" he asked as his coworker attached his arm to a blood pressure cuff.

"My head hurts a little and I just feel weird, I don't know how to describe it. I'm sorry," Louis said, tears threatening to leave his eyes.

"It's alright, that's really common with patients who have seizures."

"I don't have to go to the hospital, do I?" Louis's voice cracked.

Harry grabbed his hand, hoping to bring him comfort.

"Your vitals seem good. Do you have a family history of seizures?"


"And is this your first seizure?"

"Yes," Louis replied.

"We're going to let you stay here, but if you start to feel worse later or if you have another seizure, immediately come to the hospital," the paramedic ordered.

"Ok," Louis said.

"Alright take care," the team of paramedics waved and left the boys.

"Harry?" Louis whispered, hoping only Harry could hear him.

"Yes Lou?"

"I'm so scared. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before."

"I know. But don't be scared, we're all right here. I'll take care of you. We'll take care of you," Harry reassured.

Louis leaned into Harry more and closed his eyes, he was exhausted.

"Louis, are you tired?" Liam asked, still crying.

"A little," he said opening his eyes.

"Wait who found me?" Louis wondered.

"Niall found you," Harry kissed his forehead.

Louis felt a wave of sympathy as well as guilt.

"Nialler, come here," Louis held his arms out and moved from leaning against Harry.

Niall walked to Louis and bent down on the floor, embracing him tightly.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Louis apologized.

Niall couldn't hold it in anymore. He let the sobs escape him. He cried and cried into Louis's shoulder. Until he felt a new hand on his back and turned around.

It was Zayn.

"Come on Niall, he's ok now. It's alright," Zayn pulled Niall off of Louis gently so he could have a turn.

Niall moved away so Zayn could hug Louis.

Niall collapsed into Liam's arms, desperate for comfort.

Zayn's hug was brief, as he didn't want to cry.

Next was Liam, he released Niall and leaned him into Zayn.

"I'm so glad you're alright Lou," Liam whispered, gripping onto Louis.

"Me too," Louis whispered back.

Liam let go of Louis and Louis leaned back into Harry.

"Love, do you want to just wrap tonight up and go to sleep?" Harry pressed his head close to Louis's.


"Alright come on. I'm gonna pick you up."

Harry grabbed under Louis's legs and behind his back and lifted him.

"Can we um..." Niall trailed off.

"You guys can come if you'd like," Harry smiled.

Harry walked Louis down the hall and into the living room, where there were multiple seats so everyone would have a place to sleep.

Harry laid him down on the couch and sat next to him.

Niall sat on the couch next to Louis, while Zayn and Liam took the chairs on the side of the couch.

Harry flipped on a Marvel movie on low volume and let Louis lean into him heavily.

"I love you guys," Louis whispered.

But even though it was just a whisper, everyone heard.

"Love you too, Lou," everyone said.

"Here, let's lay down bub," Harry said and shifted them so they laid in on their sides.

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis tightly and whispered, "You'll be alright, we've got you."

"I'm sorry I scared everyone," Louis said to the boys.

"Shhh it's ok, just sleep love," Harry kissed the back of his head.

Louis fell asleep quickly, but the rest of them took a while to, as they were still terrified.

Liam had to come over to the couch to sit with Niall as it was worse for him because he was the first to see Louis seize.

Then Zayn felt lonely so he moved to the couch next to Harry.

Since they were all sitting so close, it brought a sense of comfort for them all, so they could peacefully fall asleep.

Larry Stylinson one shots (sickfics/hurtfics)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя