Louis sick at an interview

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Hurry up.

Hurry up.

Hurry up.

All Louis could think was for the interviewer to hurry up and finish asking questions. He was so distracted by his nausea, he didn't even realize he was being asked a question.


Louis snapped out of his trance and replied, "what?"

"She asked which song is you favorite from Midnight Memories," Zayn told him.

"Oh. Um," Louis saw that Zayn, Niall, Liam, Harry and the interviewer were looking at him with worry.

"I think my favorite has to be either Strong or Something great," Louis finally said.

"You have a solo in something great, don't you?" The interviewer asked.

"Mmhm," Louis replied.

"And how did you guys decide that Louis would sing that outro?"

"We felt that the song could be viewed as an emotional song and I think that the rawness and gentleness of Louis's voice really gave it that special touch," Liam explained.

Louis smiled, or at least tried to, but the pain blossoming in his head made it difficult.

Louis was glad when the interviewer moved on so the spotlight wasn't on him.

Apparently the interviewer only asked a few more questions because the next thing Louis knew was that the camera man was yelling "cut!"

The boys stood from the couch and Louis sighed, not wanting to get up and maybe he should've stayed seated because as soon as he stood, blurriness filled his vision and he collapsed to the floor.

"Lou!" Harry gasped and leaned forward to catch him before his head banged against the floor.

"Oh my god. Is he okay?" Niall asked.

Harry kneeled next to Louis and brought his head into his lap. He put a hand to his forehead to feel for a fever and sighed when he felt quite warm.

"I don't know," Harry didn't take his eyes off of Louis.

"Louis? Can you hear me? It's Harry," Harry placed his hand to Louis's cheek.

The boys all surrounded Louis to see if he'd wake up.

"Lou, wake up sweetie," Harry bit his lip anxiously.

Harry looked up at the boys, "what's wrong with him?"

"Give him some more time, he'll be okay," Liam said.

With that, Harry turned back to Louis and stroked his cheek while whispering, well, more like pleading soothing words to him so maybe he'd wake up.

After about 10 minutes, Louis started to come to, mumbling Harry's name softly.

"He's awake, he's awake!" Harry spoke.

"Harry... what's going on?" Louis asked slowly.

"You passed out Louis. I take it you don't feel too good?"

"God, no. I feel so sick," Louis's lip wobbled a little.

"Okay, okay. It's okay. You're okay," Harry rushed out seeing Louis was about to cry.

"Harry," Louis looked up into Harry's eyes.

"What is it?"

"I- I—"

Louis gagged hard and leaned over.

"Let it out, let it out, baby."

By hearing that, Louis threw up everything that was in his stomach.

"There you go, it's okay," Harry ran his hand through Louis's hair.

Niall leaned over closer to Zayn and asked, "Zayn, is that blood?"

"Oh shit, I think it is," Zayn sat down next to Harry and put a hand on his shoulder.



"Don't freak out, but Louis just threw up a lot of blood," Zayn whispered in Harry's ear, not wanting Louis to hear since he was laying in Harry's lap.

Harry's eyes shot to the pile of vomit and he saw the blood.

Harry gasped, "Shit... What do we do?"

"He needs to get to a doctor or the E.R."

"He's not gonna like that."

"I know, but something is wrong with him," Zayn explained.

"Can you guys get the car and pull it up?" Harry asked, glancing at Louis who had no idea what was happening, he was too out of it.

The boys nodded and walked away, leaving Louis and Harry alone.

"Louis, do you want to try to stand?" Harry asked gently.

Louis nodded slowly.

"Grab onto me, let me help," Harry said as he pulled Louis from the floor.

"Baby, I don't want you to be scared but we have to go to the hospital. You threw up blood, a lot of it, you fainted, and you have a fever," Harry told him slowly, making sure he understood.

Louis shook his head, "what? No, I don't want to go there, please."

"Lou, it's gonna be okay, sweetheart, but something's wrong and we gotta figure out what it is so you can feel better. Okay?"

Louis lunged towards Harry and Harry wrapped his arms around him.

"It's gonna be okay. Come on, let's get to the car," Harry pulled out of the embrace and helped a weak Louis walk to the car.

Louis and Harry got into the car and Liam drove to the nearest hospital.

They pulled up and got out of the car, waiting patiently for Louis to get out.

Louis got out and stood still for a moment sighed deeply.

Harry stepped towards him, "You okay?"

As a response, Louis's eyes rolled back and he toppled over.

"Whoa, whoa. Louis? Louis?!" Harry caught Louis and picked him up bridal style.

"Baby, baby, answer me!" Harry's voice cracked when he saw a thick stream of blood trickle out of Louis's nose.

Harry ran into the hospital with the boys following behind him.

"Help! Help! He needs help!" Harry shouted.

2 nurses brought a gurney over and instructed Harry to lay Louis on it. They brought him into a room and checked his vitals and deemed them as low.

Louis remained unconscious while the nurses poked needles and tubes into him.

Zayn rubbed Harry's arm seeing he was shaken up, "He's okay. Louis's strong."

Harry nodded and sniffled.


About an hour later, it was announced that Louis had a stomach ulcer, and it brought a sense of relief when the doctor told them he'd be okay.

They'd each been allowed in Louis's room and they all figured they'd let Harry be alone with him.

"Hey, Lou," Harry sat on Louis's bed and got under the sheets with him.

"Hi, Harry," Louis whispered.

"You're okay?" Harry asked.

Louis smiled weakly, "I'm okay."

A/N- Comment your favorite one direction song :)
Mine has to be What a Feeling and Over Again.

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