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The next day at Storybrooke General Hospital, Vanessa was now awake and being assessed by Dr Whale, who noticed Harper stood just outside the room.

"Harper. Come on in. Look who's awake," Dr Whale said.

Harper entered the room, "Nessa, hey," she walked towards the bed, "How are you feeling?" Harper asked.

"Other than feeling like I was hit by a bus," she smiled a little, "I'm, uh...I'm doing okay," Vanessa said.

Harper smiled, softly, "That's good to hear," She said.

"How's Kathryn?" Vanessa asked.

"About the same state as you. Emma's talking to her now," she exhaled a little, "Listen, I don't wanna take a lot of your time, but I have to ask you a couple of things," Vanessa nodded, "Do you, uh, do you remember what happened? Like from the time you were taken, to the time you reappeared?" Harper asked.

"I don't know much. I was walking down Main Street when I was grabbed," Vanessa shook her head, slightly, "And the next thing I knew, I woke up in some cellar," Harper narrowed her eyes at her words, "I think I saw Kathryn there, and, um...there was food and water. After that, I can't remember anything. I...I guess I was drugged or something?" Vanessa said and looked at Dr Whale with a look of confusion on her face.

The doctor nodded, "Yeah, we're still trying to flush that out of your system," Dr Whale said.

"I can't remember anything else," she looked back at Harper, "I've been trying to rack my brain for anything, but it's like my memory has been completely wiped or something. I can barely remember what happened days before the incident," Vanessa said.

"You saw no one, but Kathryn? You didn't hear a voice? Smell perfume?" Vanessa slightly shook her head, "Cologne? Anything?" Harper asked.

Vanessa shook her head again, "Nothing, no. I'm sorry. I wish I could help. Especially since while I...well, Kathryn and I...were gone you thought we were dead?" Vanessa said.

"Kathryn's DNA matched the heart we found, while yours was on a piece of jewelry. A green peridot ring to be exact," Harper said.

"They're grilling everybody down at the hospital lab to see who doctored the DNA results," Dr Whale said.

"Why would anyone do this?" Vanessa asked.

"Emma and I think somebody was trying to frame Mary Margaret," Harper said.

"But why? Who would do something like that?" Vanessa asked.

"Mhm," Harper nodded slowly, "Yeah, wonder who?" she and Dr Whale exchanged a glance, before she looked back at Vanessa, "Well, I've got to meet up with Emma and you need to rest. It's, uh," she reached down and took hold of Vanessa's hand, "It's really good to have you back," Harper said.

"It's good to be back...and it makes it better that I'm not dead," Vanessa said.

"I'll catch you later," Harper said and headed for the door.

"Come visit?" Vanessa questioned.

Harper looked back at her and smiled, "Of course," She said and left.


Later that day, David approached Vanessa's hospital room where he found her sleeping. He walked to her bedside and leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead.

Before he was able to do anything, she woke up with a start and looked at him, "David?" Vanessa said.

"I'm sorry," David said as he stood up straight.

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