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Archie and Vanessa were now trapped inside the mine, and he lit a match so they could walk further into the tunnel, to search for Henry.

"Henry? Henry?" Vanessa and Archie called out.

Henry walked around the corner, "Archie! Nessa!" Henry said.

"Henry!" Vanessa said as she rushed over to him, followed by Archie.

"You're both here to help me!" Henry said.

"No, Henry, listen. We gotta get out of here," Archie said.

Henry backed away from them still holding Vanessa's hand, "So, you're still against me?" Henry said, sadly.

"Henry, there's no time for that. Come on, Henry, come on!" Archie said.

"You don't believe me? You'll see. You'll see!" Henry said and let go of Vanessa's hand before turning, and running deeper into the mines.

"Henry! Henry!" Vanessa called out, beginning to run after him.

"Henry, come back! Henry!" Archie said, following after them.


At the hospital, Joseph was wondering around when he noticed Mary Margaret placing flowers next to a few patients' beds. He smiled and approached her, "Mary Margaret, right?" Joseph said.

She turned to him, "Uh, yeah. That's me," she smiled, "How are you doing?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Oh, I'm doing better...physically," Joseph said.

"Oh, well that's good. I heard they're releasing you and David. They must think you're both recovering fine," Mary Margaret said.

"Yeah. Hey, I was wondering. My doctor told me that for physical therapy I should be walking. But, uh...they're kind of short on personal because of that thing at the mines," Joseph said.

"Oh..." Mary Margaret said.

"So...maybe if there was a volunteer willing to help?" Joseph suggested.

"Oh, well..." she noticed David wondering around the hospital, "Rain check," she looked back at him, "Maybe tomorrow," Mary Margaret said.

"Oh, okay," Joseph said.


Archie and Vanessa were searching for Henry in the mine, "Henry? Henry? Henry! Henry!" Archie called out.

"This would've never happened if you didn't try and destroy his imagination," Vanessa said.

"It was your mother's doing," Archie said.

"Which you didn't have to follow! You're the doctor!" Vanessa snapped.

"She's the mayor and you're her daughter! There's a reason everyone listens to the both of you," Archie said.

"Are you trying to compare me to her?! Because I am nothing-," they noticed Henry shining a flashlight down a hole, "Henry, Henry!" Vanessa said as she rushed over to him.

"Henry, you got to slow down," Archie said as he rushed over.

"There's something shiny down there," Henry said.

"Henry, this is seriously dangerous. We gotta get out of here," Vanessa said.

"It could be something," Henry said.

"Look, I'm frightened for you, Henry," Archie said, anxiously.

Henry looked at him, "Because you think I'm crazy?" Henry said.

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