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Vanessa was carrying the birdcage as she walked along a gravel road when she heard the cooing of other doves in the distance.

"Do you hear that!? Your flock," Vanessa said and she stopped at the top of a crest, and looked out over a ravine, setting down the birdcage when thunder crashed loudly.

Distracted by the sound, Vanessa slipped and tumbled down the slope. She quickly grabbed onto a root and dangled from it as she shouted in despair. Attempting to pull herself up, she struggled to climb up the side when, suddenly, a hand grabbed her arm and she looked up, "David?!" Vanessa said.

"Grab my hand!" she quickly grabbed his hand, "Hold tight!" he began to pull her up, "Come on!" he successfully pulls her up onto sold ground, and she falls on top of him, "You really think I'd let you come out here alone?" Vanessa pulled away from him, "You okay?" David asked.

"I'm fine, thanks," Vanessa said and headed back up the slope, towards the road where the birdcage was.

David followed her, "Where are you going?" David asked.

"I came to find the flock!" Vanessa said.

"And I came here to get you before you got hurt!" they reached the road and thunder crashed as heavy rain began to fall, "We have to go!" David said.

Vanessa saw the birdcage ahead and ran towards it, "No!" Vanessa said.

"Doing this on foot was not the best plan!" David said.

"The gate was closed!" Vanessa said.

"I know, I saw!" Vanessa attempted to cover the birdcage with her jacket, "It's too late, we have to go!" David said.

"No, but the bird..." Vanessa said.

"Vanessa, it's not safe! We need to get out of here!" thunder crashed, "Come on!" David said and they headed back up the road together.


In the Royal Castle's dungeon, Vanessa, Grumpy and Stealthy made their way through the tunnels.

They passed an opening, "Oh wait, wait. Stairs," Vanessa said as she gestured to the stairs and Grumpy and Stealthy paused.

"No, we sneak out through the courtyard," Stealthy said.

"No, it's safer if we climb over the curtain wall," Grumpy and Stealthy exchanged a glance, "Trust me, I know someone who hides from royals. I know all their moves, whether they like to think it or not," Vanessa said.

"But the courtyard is clear now, but it won't be for much longer," Stealthy said.

Grumpy looked from Stealthy to Snow White, "Sorry, lady, Stealthy got me this far," Grumpy said and ran off with Stealthy.

"Grumpy, Grumpy, wait!" Vanessa called out but she was left alone.


Stealthy and Grumpy emerged from the tunnels to an empty courtyard. They walked through the courtyard until King George and a group of soldiers walked out from around the corner.

"Halt! Those two are prisoners!" A guard said.

"Grumpy, run! We can make it!" Stealthy said and he made a run for it.

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