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Harper, Emma and Vanessa were sat at a table in Granny's Diner.

"Don't let our feelings cloud are judgements? That's all Regina ever does," Harper said.

"She's just upset because you two and Henry have a special place and she...well, I hate to say it, but," Vanessa sighed, "She doesn't," Vanessa said.

"How'd she even find out about the castle in the first place?" Harper questioned.

"She knows everything about this town, she is the Mayor after all," Vanessa said when her phone vibrated, and she picked it to see a message from David, making her mentally sigh.

David: I need to talk to you. Please, Nessa.

Harper noticed the look on Vanessa's face, "Everything okay?" Harper asked.

"Yeah, I, uh...I'm fine. I just need to get to the hospital," Vanessa stood up and looked at Harper, "Look, I know I shouldn't say this, but it's the truth. You're right, I'm starting to see the effect she has on Henry," Vanessa said.

"We just wish everyone else did, too," Harper said and Vanessa placed her hand on Harper's arm before walking out the diner, to her car.

She got into her car, threw her bag onto the passenger seat and pulled out her phone, sending a text to David before throwing her phone in her bag before driving off, heading to the hospital.

Vanessa: Can't talk. Have work.


Inside a genie's lamp, the Genie of Agrabah was seated as he held a lamp. Rumbling was heard, distantly, from outside as it grew louder. Outside the lamp, King Leopold was approaching the lamp that laid along a lakeside.

The Genie looked up, "Here we go," Genie said.

King Leopold picked up the Lamp and rubbed it to clean off some plant matter, making black smoke to emerge from the lamp and the Genie appeared.

"You've awakened the Genie of Agrabah. You're entitled to three wishes, no more, no less. But, you must know that magic has its limits. You cannot wish for life, nor death. You cannot wish for love. You cannot wish for more wishes. And, once spoke, a wish cannot be undone, no matter what the consequences. So...tell me your first wish," Genie said.

"Hmm. Uh..." King Leopold laughed, "Hmm. I cannot think of a single thing I desire. I have everything I need. I seek nothing more than the happiness of all who set food in my kingdom," King Leopold said.

"Ugh," Genie groaned and sat on a nearby piece of driftwood.

King Leopold chuckled and the Genie sighed, "You are in my kingdom, and yet you seem unhappy," King Leopold said as he approached him.

"I have served as Genie of the Lamp for longer than you've been alive. Life as a genie is not as magical as it may appear," Genie said.

"So, you wish to be free?" King Leopold asked.

"More than anything," Genie said.

"Then, I know my first wish. I wish you to be free," King Leopold said.

The shackles around the Genie's wrists glowed and fell off, "Can it be? Am I truly free?" Genie questioned as he stood up.

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