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The next day, Vanessa was stood in front of her mirror when she looked down at the green, peridot ring on her vanity. She picked it up, taking a closer look at it and shook her head, before placing it into her jewelry box. Vanessa then noticed her phone vibrate and she looked to see a message from David, making her gaze harden, and she sent a simple message back to him

David: Hey, just making sure you're alright, since we didn't end up meeting last night.

Vanessa: I'm fine.

She looked back into the mirror, quickly becoming overwhelmed by her emotions, causing her to throw the vase on her vanity at the wall, smashing it, making glass and water fly everywhere.

Harper heard the smash from downstairs, "Nessa?" she ran up the stairs, to Vanessa's room, "Vanessa, what-," she opened the door to see the glass on the ground and Vanessa sat on her bed, running her fingers through her hair, "Hey. What's going on?" Harper asked as she approached the bed.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," Vanessa said as she went to stand up.

"Hey, woah," Harper stopped her, "Clearly it's not nothing. If it were, you should apologize to that vase," Vanessa looked at her, "Sorry, wrong time for a joke," she sat beside Vanessa, "Seriously, though. I've never seen you this upset about something. You're usually the chillest person I know," Harper said.

"It's just," Vanessa closed her eyes and sighed, "Someone promised me that he would do something, and he lied," Vanessa said as she looked at Harper.

"It's just," Vanessa closed her eyes and sighed, "Someone promised me that he would do something, and he lied," Vanessa said as she looked at Harper

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"You mean David?" Vanessa didn't answer, "Hey, look. Life gets hard some times, believe me, I know, but you can't let it get to you. Sometimes, when bad things happen, they change you...and not for the better. So, I guess what I'm trying to say, is you can't let the inconveniences in life turn you into somebody you're not," Harper said.

"You're starting to sound like Archie with all this 'change' talk," Vanessa said.

"Yeah, well...I have to get going, but if you need to talk, feel free to reach out," Harper grabbed her hand, "I'll always be here for you," Harper said with a smile.

Vanessa smiled softly, "I actually believe that," Harper stood up and walked to the door, "Have fun on your date with August," Vanessa said, teasingly.

Harper turned to her, "It's not a date," Vanessa raised an eyebrow, "It's not!" Harper said with a little laugh.

"Okay," Vanessa raised her hands, defensively, "Whatever you say, Sheriff," Vanessa said.

Harper glared at her playfully, "Hmm," Harper groaned before walking out of the room.


A little later, Vanessa was driving down Main Street looking for someone, when she noticed Mary Margaret and pulled over.

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