new academy⭐️

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the feeling of touch, was all that needed.

"good morning baby girl you have your first class today with Kai I'll get your uniform ready." I just rolled the other way really tied and didn't wanna get up, and I kinda didn't care if I got a punishment or not.

"if you don't get up I'll get Ian to come and give your ass one." my eyes shot open, he wouldn't would he.

"you wouldn't." he raised and eyebrow and got his phone out, I huffed out and got out of bed and storm to the bathroom is it just me or do they get so controlling sometimes. I have no idea why but Ian and Caleb have started working together which makes everything worse, I walked out of the bathroom seeing Ian and no Caleb.

"get dressed miss cheekiness." I grossed my arms, there is no way I am getting dressed infant of Ian.

"for me to get dressed you have to leave creep." his jaw clinched, he stands and walked closer to me.

"being in this kind of mood will put your ass on punishment get dressed Lucy or you will be made to be dressed I am not letting you get away with disrespecting me." he is so not the boss of me, he left with shutting the door I looked at the uniform ew was all I had to say white botton up top with a long brown square skirt rolling my eyes and started getting dressed, I walked out and want where I could smell food.

"having Ian think he can control me is not okay and think he can watch me get dressed." Caleb just sat and watch me start eating, making me feel like yelling at him for not saying anything and just look at me.

"your forgetting your rules I have no idea what makes you think it's okay to wake up with so much disrespect I should have you over my knee right now." I shrugged, he is right I have no idea why I am acting like this maybe I'm just so tired so much drama as happened all at once and it dose catch up to you.

"is there something bothering you or is there something that's making you feel like this." I looked at Caleb, it's really not fair on him for me to be rude to him he's been through the dream with me.

"just all the stuff that has been happing all at once I'm just really tired and I guess it just made me feel moody." he didn't say anything, just started eating whatever that means, really can't bother with fighting with him.

"don't forget to take your table it's in the kitchen." I nod, after having my last bite I want into the kitchen seeing water and my table out on the bench, walking over taking the pill into my mouth with the water following after. 

"where do I meet Kai?" I asked as I got my shoes on, and got my bag of stuff I got from shopping.

"well first we need to drive to the academy I will be seeing our Dom room while you go off to class." I just nod, Ian came down, ugh shouldn't he be with Kai, Caleb got the keys and we want out to the car I got in the back seeing some bags with our stuff in it I think.

"are you in good girl mood or bratty mood still?" I chose to not say anything and just turned to looking outside of the window, I really should have said are you in an nice mood or asshole mood still. I giggled to myself but I didn't bother because I'll of cause be punished even worse by Ian and I do not wish to get my ass punished by him it's scary enough when Caleb punishes me.

when we got to the school, I got out Caleb holds my hand and walked me in wow it was really a big academy it had upstairs and downstairs and a lot of classrooms and a big playground in the middle of the academy.

"Ian did say Kai was going to meet us here so where could he be." I looked around, everyone was running around so it was kinda heard to see where Kai could be I hope this won't make me late for my first lesson.

"so many people it's heard to see where he could be." Caleb huffed, and pulled me along to the front office and into a big room.

"son how nice to see you and Lucy it's good to see you better." I gave him a little smile, then Caleb started talking about Kai and asking for my time table which I should have gotten from Kai, a loud bell want off I looked at Caleb and he didn't look happy.

"I will give Lucy as pass she can use this whenever she's running late but you have to be with her for it to be used I'll find some time to have a chat with Kai sometime today." Caleb nods, and thanked his father we walked out and started finding my class.

"wait for me after class I'll take you to classes since Kai can't be trusted." I nod, we stopped in front of a class door Caleb opened the door and spoke to the lady the room smells nice and a tv with music was on and other people where lying around on the floor colouring in.

"hi sweetheart welcome to colour class all you will need is a colouring book and colours then you hang up your bag and find a spot." I smile with a shy thank you, I got my book and colours out and found Kai's bag I go and put my bag next to his then go and sat down next to Kai.

"I am so sorry I didn't meet up with you and Caleb it slept my mind." I told him that it was okay, I also told him that Caleb's father was going to chat with him and Caleb wasn't happy as well.

"awesome another punishment your so lucky to be with Caleb you don't get to be punished all the time like we do." yeah because I know to not bother getting on that side of Caleb, I saw that side when I meet him so series.

a message from unknown number

the game just started.

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