Chapter 51 - Peruse

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"Vitals are in check?"


"Brainwaves aren't abnormal?"


"And he's connected psychically to the oncoming threat?"


Professor Sycamore blankly replied to each professor's questions, staring deep at the data that was being presented before him. Goh was, in fact, not responding negatively to the apparently successful connection to Mewtwo, but something still wasn't quite right.

"We should be able to get responses from him," Sycamore whispered to Clemont, who was sitting to his right, monitoring Goh's physical state. "A feedback system should already be in place," Clemont replied with a raised eyebrow. "There's no reason that he can't hear us, let alone us be able to see his-"


Professor Sycamore and Clemont looked back over at the screen, seeing a spike in one specific data point appear. A slight smirk appeared on Clemont's face. "Looks like he just let us know that he can hear us," Professor Sycamore noted, breathing a sigh of deep relief; anything that couldn't work in this plan would surely result in failure, and that simply wasn't an option.

"Goh, have you connected with Mewtwo yet?" Clemont asked the unconscious trainer laying down. Professor Sycamore looked in anticipation for an answer but instead got nothing. He himself turned over to Goh and rephrased the question. "Do you know if you've connected with Mewtwo yet?"

A negative response came through, indicating that Goh was not aware if he had connected. "I suppose one wouldn't really know if they've telepathically connected with a Pokemon," Sycamore muttered under his breath, tapping his pen against his face. "Well, we can't just sit here and do nothing," Clemont stated. "Out there are countless powerful trainers, but even they can't outsmart Mewtwo, so we've got to make something happen."

A few more taps against Sycamore's face. Clemont was right, and he knew it. Even though they had crafted this plan as a sort of defense against Mewtwo's incredible intelligence, it wasn't going to be effective if the whole purpose of it wasn't exactly working.

Professor Juniper, who had been mostly quiet in the virtual call up until this point, suddenly made a suggestion. "I've dealt with the effects of dreaming quite a bit," she stated, her eyes gleaming with thought. "Perhaps if he tries to recall one of Mewtwo's memories from when he was merged with him, maybe it could stimulate a sort of connection."

Professor Sycamore looked up at Juniper and raised a finger. "You might just be right, Aurea!" He quickly turned over to Goh once again and relayed the message in a more concise way. "Goh, did Mewtwo have any important memories that you might've encountered when he was using your body?"

A positive response appeared on the screen. Feeling a bit more hopeful, Professor Sycamore took a deep breath. "Okay, please try your best to envision one of Mewtwo's more crucial moments. If it's joyous, heartbreaking, confusing, or anything. Just remember it and try to connect with Mewtwo by imagining yourself as him."

There was silence in the room for a few moments as they waited patiently for any response. To them, it was a silence that lasted for infinity; to them, it was as if nothing was happening in the world. But to Goh, he was deeply searching his mind for anything that could help them at this moment.


Goh had heard Professor Sycamore's instructions; his mind instantly began racing, trying desperately to think about some of Mewtwo's memories. Notable memories? He thought to himself as he tried to think. I remember its creation, its escape, the living among wild Pokemon in the forest, but those weren't terribly important in my opinion.

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