~words hurt pt. 2~

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TW: Eating Disorder, Self Harm, Fatshaming


Enid's POV-

I came back from the cafeteria with my food to find Wednesday fast asleep. I sat down next to her and ate my dinner. After I finished my food I set the empty box aside and climbed under the covers. I wrapped my arms around her, she shifted slightly under my touch.

Before long I fell asleep too.


Wednesday's POV-


The next morning I woke up to stinging pain as Enid had me in a hug. I quietly slipped out of her arms and went to the bathroom. I carefully rolled up the sleeves of my sweater.

Bloodied bandages wrapped my arms.

I slowly removed the bandages to clean out the cuts. I winced as I poured hydrogen peroxide on them. I then got a fresh roll of bandages to wrap them in.

I couldn't help but kick myself over them. I knew it was bad. I knew that each time I did it I ended up regretting it, just like I do now. Why do I keep doing it. It's like a never ending cycle, I finally start feeling better about myself and then something happens. Someone makes a joke, someone makes a comment, there's always something that brings me right back down to this pit of despair. 

The only person that fishes me out of this pit is Enid. 

But even Enid I managed to disappoint. She would be disappointed if she found out about my cuts.

There's always someone for me to disappoint, whether it's my mother, my peers, Enid, or myself.

After about 20 minutes of wallowing in my depressive thoughts, I had finished bandaging my arms. I carefully roll the sleeves of my sweater down over the bandages. I flushed the toilet so that if Enid asked I could say I was using the restroom.

I left the bathroom to find Enid waiting for me. 

"Gooooood morning Loves!" She exclaimed, opening her arms for a hug. I pretended I didn't notice, and went to our shared closet. I pulled out one of Enid's fluffy pink hoodies and pulled it on.

I walked back into the room and Enid smiled at the sight of me.

I liked wearing her clothes. They always are big on me and hide my figure.

Plus, they smell like Enid.

"You ready to go down to breakfast?" She asked, getting up off our bed. I turned away from her to hide my frown.

"I'm not really hungry..." I said quietly. I turned back to face her.

"Are you still full from the tuna noodle casserole?" She asked as she kissed the tip of my nose. I couldn't help but blush.

"Yep, probably are more than I should have." I said, faking a laugh.

"I mean, I wasn't the biggest fan of it but everyone's got their own tastes!" Enid laughed.

"Why don't you come on down to breakfast with me and see if there's anything you want. If not then just to spend time with me?" Enid took both my hands and looked at me with her big puppy dog eyes. I sighed.

"You know, it's not fair when you look at me like that." I said as I went to grab my shoes.

I slipped on my pair of black, fur lined crocs that Enid had gotten me for Christmas.

Then we walked down to the cafeteria.


(546 Words)


i can't do my bold, italics, and underlining because i'm writing this chapter on mobileeeee 

hope you all had a very merry christmas!

as always, this story is meant to bring awareness to the topic of eating disorders and self harm!

i am in no way trying to romanticize or glorify either

they are both very serious and should be treated respectfully

if you are dealing with either of them please please please make sure you get the help that you need!

reach out to a trusted friend, family member, teacher, or counselor!

you are so loved even if you don't realize it!

take care of yourselves

and as always,

stay lovely <3

Wednesday x Enid One Shots (Wenclair) - Helplessly In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now