XLI. "You have to take them"

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Fuckkkkkkk... After last night, we went back to the house, and Acelian and I fucked again, despite him being mad that I didn't leave him to listen to his poetry. He went back to his room, despite his protest, and I slept alone, sore, and tired. And this morning, I woke up in a pool of my own blood. Luckily, I had a tampon stashed away in my bag, or else I would be glaring at Acelian even harder. We're currently sitting on the plane, on our way to London. I won't be travelling this month again; I've left my mafia without surveillance long enough.

I'm in the bathroom, changing my tampon, and sliding on clothes between cramps, since we'll be arriving in the next 30 minutes. A strong contraction- I mean cramp washes over me, and I clutch the sink so hard, my knuckles turn white. It finally passes, and I fix my shirt. I glance at the matching tattoo I have on my finger, with Kat, Sio, and Chiara. Kat got the heart, I got the trifle, Sio got the diamond, and Chiara got the ace of spades.

 Kat got the heart, I got the trifle, Sio got the diamond, and Chiara got the ace of spades

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I sigh, getting emotional. I feel so bad, for lying to them. I should tell them about me and Acelian, but we both agreed that we weren't going to tell anyone about it. And I miss my girls. Especially Ivy. It's not like I can go to Korea every off day she has. I don't want to cry, but my eyes are getting glossy. But at least I look cute.

But I should look deadly

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But I should look deadly. I don't want to kill anyone, but I just want to have a chill day. And my ass hurt from yesterday's spanking. I blush at the memory. I like the color on me today.

It puts the accent on my collarbone tattoo, the same tattoo Acelian couldn't refrain to kiss multiple times last night. Thinking about his kisses, makes me want some right now. No. My brother is still there. I look at my reflection, and grab my foundation, brush, and start covering the love bites and marks left on my skin. The small price to pay for the pleasure.

When I'm done making my skin tome match all over, I look at myself in the mirror, disgusted with the figure staring at me. Gosh, I can't believe that people like it. I'm not sure why Acelian took an interest in me. Yes, I know, I can read him like a damn book. God, I get my body dysmorphia severely on my period. I already feel bloated. Maybe it's time to get out of the bathroom. As I take another step to leave, a painful cramp slams me to the floor. I let out a loud groan and a yell of angst. Acelian comes bursting through the door and kneels beside me.

"What's wrong?" My eyes shut close, feeling the pain spread through my body. I open my eyes slowly, to cuddle into him, but I see Atreus in the door frame. Got to act as if you hate him.

"Get away from me, you dick!" Yeah, the same dick that I sucked last night – Focus.

"I know, let's go Axar" Atreus picks me up from the floor, and brings me to the common area of the plane. He seats me in a chair opposite him and fetches my bag. He scours through it and hands me a bottle of painkillers, my iron pills, and my blood clotting pills. I give him a glare after seeing the painkillers.

"You have to take them"

"You know these little things aren't going to help me in any way. And they make me sleepy. So no" He sighs and puts it back in my bag. I pop the cap open for my hemophilia pills while Atreus grabs me a cup of water. Acelian walks out of the bedroom and takes a seat to my left. Great, he blocks my view of the sky. But I got a better view, so it's alright.

I quickly throw back the pills and chug down the water. Then Atreus hands us a plate of breakfast and takes his own. I look down at my plate and sigh quietly. I won't be able to finish two breakfast hot dogs. I swallow down all negative thoughts and take a bite out of the first one. It's pretty good, so I keep eating, and I'm halfway through my first sandwich, when I quickly get up from my seat and run to the bathroom, nausea taking over my body. I hunch over the toilet bowl, throwing up my stomach's contents in it. I feel someone holding my hair in a hand-held ponytail. A cramp finds it convenient to come to bother me, and I start groaning in pain.

I smell Acelian's musky cologne invade my senses, as he whispers sweet nothing in my ear. I finish throwing my guts out, and slump on the floor, or rather in someone's arms. As I'm seated on the edge of the counter, I breathe out heavily. I hate the first day of my period.

"Lower your head for me, Mei Vida" And I do, listening to his soft voice. His wet, calloused hand contacts my cheek, as he wipes the vomit off my cheek. I immediately pull back, not expecting him to do that.

"You can't wipe my vomit, that's disgusting. I'm disgusting."

"Nothing about you is disgusting love. And you're going to be my wife. Better get used to it" I lower my head once again, already knowing that I've lost the argument. He finishes cleaning me up and carries me to the common area where Atreus was looking at me with concern in his eyes. Once I'm seated, he starts bombarding me with questions.

"Are you okay? Should I call an ambulance? How do you feel? Does your stomach hurt-"

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, please fasten your seatbelts and brace yourself for landing. We hope you've had a great flight, and we hope to see you soon" Atreus stops his rant with the voice through the intercom. The boys take their seats, as I start gathering everything that I need. I feel the plane dip and land. After a few minutes, we're able to step out of the jet, and into the cold London morning fog. I quickly get into the Roll-Royce that's supposed to take us to my house, and soon, I feel the car moving. We can finally get home.


This chapter is dedicated to my oldest sister, who has horrible period cramps. She even went to the hospital because of that once...




And see you in the next one.

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