VII. "You flatter me"

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Oh god, why another nightmare. Usually they always end up with me waking up violently, but I surprisingly slept through it.  I feel something on my stomach. I look to my side, and it's just Kat. I'm going to safely assume that I woke up in the middle of the night, and she came here to make me go back to sleep.

I take her arm off and go to the bathroom. Today I have a bunch of meetings, mostly for the alliances that I've suggested last night, to make the mafia stronger. I was thinking of dipping in something new, so I'm also going to meet the capos of the mafia.

I look at the time. 7 am. Good, I can get a workout in before everyone wakes up. I take a workout set and go exploring my house for the gym. I find it after 20 minutes of scouring. I wrap my hands, and start punching. I punch, and punch, and punch, without feeling pain. Over the years, I've trained myself into thinking that I'm immune to any pain. But I can't help but feel a little hurt sometimes. I vowed to myself not to shed any tears of pain, and so far, I've been doing a good job.

I continue punching until I kick the bag off its hook. I sigh. Someone else can put it back, and I've worked out enough for today. I make my way to my room, and take a shower, wash my hair, and blow dry it.

I go back to the closet, and pick out a simple dress shirt and a black skirt. I pair it with some louboutins and a black coat. It looks chilly outside. 

I look at the time

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I look at the time. 8 am on the dot. I grab my purse, and head out the room.

I take at the elevator to take me to the garage. I love an underground garage. I hop off the lift and grab the keys to a black Maserati. I hop in and speed out of the driveway.

I get to the where house, and pass ID. I go to the first meeting room, with the capos.

"Alright so my father probably already told you, but I'll be taking full control of the mafia on Friday. So, if you do not agree to this decision, you can leave now" I pause.

"You just won't leave alive" They look at me. That's right bitches. If you think so highly of yourself to believe that you can't be led by a woman, you don't even deserve to be in this room, much less in this world.

"Donna, we stand by you and respect you. I know you will continue to lead us the way you've been doing it until now, if not ever better" Rodrigo, one of the main capos, speaks up.

"Aww, Rodrigo, you flatter me" I smile. "I was thinking of expanding our business." They look at me interested.

"And what would that be? Women trafficking? Because I'll overlook it for you myself" My head snaps at the voice in the back. I pull out my gun and shoot him, in the abdomen, faster than he could comprehend.

"How dare you say such a thing? We have morals. And if you thought that trafficking women was a good idea, I can make you all go join the other molesters and rapists that I've killed".

They all shake their heads' no. "Good. I wanted to say drugs, before this twat interrupted me" I say, glaring at him. 

"I made a deal with the Bolivians yesterday, and they're willing to supply, for a metric to of guns every 2 months. I have a meeting with them to discuss the matter. When I come back, I want a plan on how our name should be the first in the drug trade business." I say, getting up and leaving the room.

I hop in the car for my next meeting.


Acelian Armani POV.

I wake up in an unfamiliar bed. When I look around, I realize I'm not in my house, nor in my apartment. I jump up and reach for my pockets. When I feel nothing, I look around and spot my gun on the bedside. I calm down slightly. I get up and reach for the door, only for it to be opened by someone else. A young woman, in black attire, hands me a bag.

"Whatever you need is in there" She pushes the bag to me. "Breakfast is in 30 minutes" She turns around and leave. Damn, what did I do?

I look in the bag. There's an Armani suit, Ironically, some louboutins, and some hygiene essentials.

I walk to the bathroom and take a shower. I get dressed and head downstairs. People from the kitchen are yelling. As I walk in, I see Katalina screaming at the girl that gave me some stuff earlier.

"I don't fucking care! Get me her location, now" She finally sees me, gives me a stank eye, and turns.

"Katalina, I know that you're the second, but chill. She probs left to talk to her parents".

"That's the thing! She took almost 10,000 worth of guns and ammo from inventory. She's going in there to end them" Most our eyes widen.

"Who are we talking about?" I finally speak up.

"Listen here, wanker. This is none of your business. Don't ask questions" She gets closer, shaking her finger in my face.

"Katalina! Stop." Atreus yell, tired of this bullshit. She glares at him, then at me, and leaves the house.

"Come on, eat." I look at where she left and sit.

"What happened?" Everyone discards and avoid my question. Okay. I eat the delicious pancakes, that the girl serves me.

"Okay, I don't like this. My name's Siobhàn", She points at herself. " This is Azelia and Atreus, you probably know them" She points at the remaining of the D'Alarie siblings. "And this is Chiara" She points at the girl who brought me stuff.

"Nice to meet you all. My name's Acelian" And Chiara spits her coffee. Did I say something wrong?

"Yeah, that's why Katalina hates you" She says, laughing to herself, and excusing herself off the table.

"What?" These Londoners are fucking weird, man.


No, you're the weird one, Acelian. You hurt our baby.




And see you in the next one.

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