I. "Sort it out"

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"WAKE UP! DAD'S CALLING YOU" My little sister comes barging through my bedroom. She comes to the edge of the bed and yanks the covers off me. She then recoils in disgust and turns away.

"Do you not know what pj's are for, woman?" She starts wiping her eyes. Like that's going to do anything.

"Not my fault, my annoying little sister decided to make my life difficult by yanking the covers off my naked body" I roll my eyes and cover up.

"I'm decent" I rub the sleep out of my eyes. "What is your purpose here?" She turns around. "Dad's calling you in the office. He's going banana bonkers over Christian"

Chuckling, I turn around to my window, revealing the London view. As per usual, the window is covered in water.

I sigh. "Fine. I'm coming down. Prepare my cup of tea!" I yell as Azelia leaves the room.

I make my way to the bathroom to shower. I stop when I see my reflection in the mirror. Dark under eyes. Creases everywhere. The exhaustion is clear on my face. I sigh and hop in the shower. I haven't slept normally in three days. 

Going to kill someone in Manchester, have a crazy car chase, and have a mission is tiring. I just forgot to tell dad who fucked us over. No biggie.

I grab some black trousers, a black bodysuit, a chunky belt, a silver belt, and my black Louboutins. I love black.

I make my way downstairs

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I make my way downstairs. As usual, my mom is taking my brother's ear off about bringing his sketchbook to the table, but art is his lifeline, so I don't blame him for ignoring Mother.

"Good morning" I lean down to hug Atreus and reciprocates. "Morning little sis" My mother looks at me disapprovingly.

"And me?" She dares to look at me like that? Ma'am-

"Not you. Not after the bullshit, you pulled".

"How was I supposed to know you were allergic?"

"You're my MOTHER! You should know this shit!"


"What's going on here?" the head of the table emerges from its office.

"Nothing" My brother tries to appease him.

"Axar, I expected you in my office. But I might as well say it in front of everyone" I raise my eyebrow. I don't like where this is going.

He sits down, and at the same time, Azelia comes out of her room, with her briefcase.

"Good now that we're all here. I made an alliance with the Russians" I scoff.

"And why wasn't I present" He knows better than to make an alliance without me.

"Because it concerns you" He snarls back. Sheesh, you're the reason I'm bitchy like that, why are you getting mad? Mother isn't the one with the anger issues.

"Okay, what's the big news? If you don't realize, I have your mafia to lead" I take a sip of my tea. Yorkshire, my fave.

"You're getting married," He says with a smile. I spit my tea. Oh, fuck no.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I already feel the guard getting closer. I turn around and point my gun at the closest one.

"Tell your new dogs to lay down, it would be such a shame to have their brains decorate the walls, innit?" My mother gasps.

"Not the eggshell walls!" "No one cares!" All three of the D'Alarie sibling yell.

"I'm not fucking getting married. Sort it out, but I'm not fucking doing it" I take a deep breath and storm out of the D'Alarie Manor. The chilly London Air welcomes me. I take out my G-Wagon and speed out of the driveway.

As I take the branch out of the A2, I see a Range Rover following. I think nothing of it, as I make my way to the warehouse.

After a few minutes, the same Range Rover is behind, trailing me. I check for ammo in the compartment. I have enough ammo to get me out of here. Then they start shooting at the car. Now I'm even madder. I click the safety off and start shooting, while I find a spot where I can blow these motherfuckers off.

I shoot at their front window, and thanks to my amazing aim, I take the car down. Relieved, I take a breath and look in the rearview mirror, only to see three other cars following suit.

"Ah fuck no." I quickly load the rest of the ammo and get out of the car. Bullets are flying while I empty my clip in these motherfuckers heads. At last, I get the last person on the floor, after a bullet to the left. I kick the gun far from him and crouch to his level.

"You're going to go to your boss, and you're going to tell him that it was a mistake sending you all after me and that he's going to suffer for messing with me." I pull down his shirt's collar and see the insignia of a local gang, that's been a pain in the ass lately. 

These little chavs are going to get what's coming for them. He slowly limps to his car and starts to drive off, when I shoot the remaining bullet's in his tires. Serves him right.

I hop in my G-wagon and turn around. I'm going to the company. My phone connects to Bluetooth and I dial my girls.

"What up, puta?" Katalina.

"What do you want?" Siobhàn.

"Hi!" And Chiara.

"At least one of you is nice to me, even after I got in a car chase," I say, taking a sharp turn back on the A2.

"Are you okay?" Chiara is too pure for this.

"Did you knock these motherfuckers to the ground?" And Katalina is always there to hype me up.

"Yes, I'm okay and yes, I did. Meet me at the company."

"Yes, boss" I hang up and focus on driving. My phone rings and when I look at the digital screen, it's my mother. I decline and speed to the company. I park, and get in the elevator, up to the 40th floor. I walk to the 13th meeting room. Our meeting room. I asked Atreus to make it soundproof for Mafia-related matters.

I see my two best friends and my cousin discussing when I come in. I take my seat at the top of the table, and they all look at me. I love dominance.


First chapter is down.

Honestly, I love where this is going.

It might be fast-paced, but I'll try not to drag it out too much because I want it done by the end of 2022.




And see you in the next one.

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