XXIII. "Acelian Armani?"

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I smile at my phone, before swerving left, on the driveway. Axar sure knows how to get on my nerves. She knows I hate flying, yet she just asked me to come on a trip with her. Little brat. She's been like this since we were little kids, but I suppose I can't hold it against her. I hurt her, emotionally and probably physically. Plus, she's a woman now.

I slam my car door and wave Castriel goodbye. He had to drive with me here, but I'm soon going to get my driver's license here, I feel helpless when I have to ask other people to drive me around. And being helpless is not in my vocab, as a mafia leader.

I knock on the door and wait. I'm currently waiting at the doorstep of my mother's house. Needed to talk to her, first about the wedding planning, and second, about mafia-related matters. I look up to the sky, only to see it darkening. God, London weather is horrible. If Mom doesn't open this door now; I'm going to be drenched.

Speak of the devil, I turn around to my mother dressed in an almost transparent black robe, her hair sticking out in every direction. Her eyes widen when she sees me, and she fumbles with her words.

"H-hey, Acelian, you did- you didn't tell me you were coming. Or did you? I didn't check my phone in a while. Come in, and give me a minute".

"Didn't know I needed an excuse to come see my mother" I step in, and make sure to rub my feet on the doorstep carpet. I enter the lavish waiting room and sit on one of the plush couches. I know my mother has amazing taste in furniture. Speaking of her, she skedaddles upstairs, maybe to compose herself. I start typing on my phone, as she comes down, wearing a simple shirt and skirt.

"So, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"First off, I came here to talk about the wedding. Axar told me she kicked you out of the planning committee-"

"That ungrateful child-"

"Because she felt like you were suffocating her. Now, I asked her to reinclude you, but only if you were going to choose for her and if you would stop breathing down her neck"

"Fine, but don't you think she's changed since-"

"Mom, stop. Of course, she's changed. You can see how much of a woman she is now. She doesn't need this agreement, we need it. So, let's not talk about her behind her back, before we both end up dead. You know, I'm pretty sure she has one of her friends with a sniper on the roof."

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I look at the message.


You're right. I am here, but only to protect your mother. XOXO, Ivy Young.

"And I was right. She even has the place taped, too." I say, showing her the text on my phone. She gasps.

"See, I told Adonis not to make you do that mission" My heart clenches at the mention of my father. He was my rock, but sometimes it would be that same rock, that would put inhumane pressure on me. I close my eyes and rub them. She just had to mention him.

"N-no, dad, please!"

"Stop whining, boy. Every man has his time to die. Now, tell your mother I love her, and I love you, little man-" His words are cut off, by another bullet sent to his heart, taking his life away from him.


"Shit, sorry Acelian. I know that your dad is a touchy subject, but I'm sorry I brought it up. I-"

"It's fine. The last thing I wanted to say was, I'm going on a trip with Axar to Canada. I don't know how long I'll be gone. I'll be leaving now." I abruptly stand up and make a beeline for the front door. I need to get away from here. I step out the door and call for an Uber. It is raining cats and dogs out here. There was an empty one nearby, so I hop in it as soon as it gets close to the curb.

As I give the driver the directions to go to the driving school, I look out the window, only to see a woman exiting my mother's. Who is she? And what was she doing in the house? Was she listening to our conversation? I think nothing of it, as we finally get to our destination. Next time, I'll bring an umbrella with me. I pay the driver, and head inside the school. I had my appointment scheduled last week, so I'm directed to the back of the building, where there are two large arenas. One with a cover as the roof, another with no roof. An elderly-looking woman approaches me and looks at her clipboard.

"Acelian Armani?"


"Come one, you're quite late for your test. So, you already know how to drive, but you want a driver's license in good old London. Correct?"

"Yes." She brings me over to a Honda, and gestures for me to get in the passenger seat. I do, and as she gets in the driver's seat. In England, the seat is reversed. I'm currently sitting in the passenger with the wheel in front of me.

"Show me that you'll be able to drive normally in the city, lad" I shift the gear into drive and press the gas pedal to go straight for the first obstacle. I'm used to driving wildly in Croatia, occasionally taking part in illegal car races. But now, I need to calm down. I pass the test successfully. The elder woman nods in approval, as she leads me to a studio. She seats me on a stool and positions herself behind a camera. I relax my face, just like an ID pic. She passes the picture through a machine. She hands me a laminated card, that I recognize to be my driver's license.

"Here ya go. You can now drive normally here" She smiles at me and leads me to the exit of the school.

I call for yet another Uber. And under a few minutes, It arrives. I give the driver the address of the house, planning to surprise Axar. God, I hope she'll like it.


What's the little shit planning?




And see you in the next one.

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