X. "What do you want to know."

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I wake up with a presence in my site and something poking my back. "Katalina, I know you love your Beretta, but put it away, it's nudging me" "It's not a gun, sweetheart" I jolt up, grab my gun from under the table, straddle the intruder and point the gun. My muscles tense even more, seeing as it's Acelian.

"What the bloody hell, are you doing in my bed?" I say though gritted teeth.

"You had nightmares and I wanted to stay until you slept. Guess I fell asleep too." I squint my eyes at him before widening them. I'm literally siting on his dick. Oh, shit.

"Out, now" I get off him and off the bed.

"I know I hurt you but-" I cut him off.

"Out, Acelian!" I yell. He looks at the window, thinking about his next words.

"No. Listen. I know I wronged you-" I start explaining, but I won't have any of it.

"Get out Acelian, and I won't hesitate to pull the trigger." I threaten, lifting the gun and pointing it at him. He looks at me and leaves. I put the gun down and go to the bathroom. I really can't handle this. I feel like I'm drowning in everything, and that I'm barely above water. Between an arranged marriage, Acelian's return, Me becoming Donna, I'm spread thin. I lean against the counter and look at my pills. My anxiety pill, to be exact. I secretly went to a psychologist, and she prescribed me these. Fuck it.

I pop the cap open and swallow it. And another one. And a third one. Shit, I need a refill. This can't be healthy. Pills can't save my situation. I sit on the floor, thinking about what I'm going to do. I can't marry Acelian in six months. I can't kill him either, nor can I order a hit, that can be traced back to me. Killing myself would work.

Yes, it would solve my problems. I would be free of my obligations, and I could be free as a bird. Stop.

I could end it all, now. No!

A bullet could do the trick. Don't do it.

Or a dagger through the heart. Don't think that.

Or throw myself off my balcony? Stop.

I could give in to the ones that want my death.

Stop thinking like that. Your life is valuable. You are worthy of life.

I stand up. But I can't do this anymore. I want to die.

Do you really? You want to leave behind Katalina and Siobhàn? Atreus and Azelia? Your parents? So, they can torture your siblings to take your place?

I can't fight anymore.

Yes, you can. Let yourself float. Let things happen. Everything is going to fall in place.

I sigh as my head takes reason over my heart. I shower and pick out a blazer with a bralette that peeks underneath. I add some black shorts and a big belt. I pair it with some gold jewelry. I grab some thigh high boots and my bag.

I leave the room and walk to the kitchen. "Hello, everyone." They all greet me back, but there's a weird atmosphere.

"What's wrong?" No answer. I drink my cup of tea and eat my scone in silence.

"Boss, you have a baiting mission tonight. You'll meet your partner at the club." Katalina talks, her face hard as stone.

"Okay. I'll be leaving now." I get up from the table, gulp down the last bit of my tea and leave. My Aston Martin is in front. As I leave for the front door, I see a male figure leaning against the stone pillars.

"Can I help you?" He turns around and smiles. I don't like this. "Ah, miss D'Alarie, you can. By getting in the car. I'll bring you to my boss, who wishes to talk to you."

"Okay" I reluctantly step into the car. The man had an English accent, like mine. Maybe it's another gang, asking for weaponry. He drives off into the outskirts of the city. I twirl my tracking ring in my fingers. I'm glad Atreus made it for me. If I press the gemstone, it sends a notification to his computer and Katalina's phone. I won't press it, for now. "My, miss D'Alarie, your picture don't do you justice" The man breaks the silence. "I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Castriel. Castriel Arlington."

"Axar D'Alarie, but you probably already know."

"I only knew your last name. You have a pretty name".

"Thanks" He smiles at me through the rearview mirror. He's creepy. The car finally stops at an abandoned place. We both exit the car and I look at him.

"Good luck" He pushes me towards the building. I slowly walk towards the front door. It creaks open. It's a large room, with a male figure in the middle.

"What kind of meeting is this?" I whisper under my breath.

"The kind where you don't leave until I'm done" The figure turned around and raised their head. Acelian.

"Oh, hell no" I turn around, for any escape route, and I just find a closed window. It looks like it's bulletproof. Shit. And Castriel locked the door. Taking this out is the only way of escape.

"Yes. There's no way to escape the conversations so suck it up buttercup. What did you mean last night?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Well, you cocksucker dumbass, twat, I talked about many things. Specify" He chuckles before striding towards me. I stand my ground and now, he's in front of me.

"About your 18th birthday party" He stares at me. I take a deep breath.

"What do you want to know." I'm about to trick him, into thinking that I'm going to give him the answers, but they're going to amount useless.

"What really happened"

"Well, I tried to kill you. I trained 3 years to be able to. Then you disarmed me" I take a deep breath. "Then you took my virginity, like the dirty bastard you are! Then you called your friends and achieved a bet you made on me. I hope that 50 bucks was worth it. Then, you tried to kill me." I spit at him. 

I tackle him to the floor and punch his gut. I don't want to kill him yet. And I don't want his blood on my designer. I search his pockets, but his hands grip my wrists. I maneuver so that his own fist punch himself. I grab the keys and unlock the door. I then bolt out of there.

Castriel is leaning down on the car.

"I knew it would end up like this. Come on." He opens the car for me, and I get in. He drives off, leaving the wretched excuse of a human behind.


I kinda feel bad for what's happening to Axar, but I'm the writer so...





And see you in the next one.

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