III. "Then die"

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9 pm.

We finally get to the restaurant and I reload my gun. What? You can never be too prepared, especially after what happened this morning. Even though Siobhàn and Katalina are on the roof, aiming guns at anyone who might be a menace, i still like to be prepared.

I step out of the vehicle with the two D'Alarie siblings. We all walk to the lobby. They ask us under what name is our reservation.

"D'Alarie." The maid's eyes go wide. "I'ms sorry ma'am. Please follow me." she leads us to the main door and to the dreaded table. But as I'm about to enter the terrace, my phone buzzes in my trouser's pocket.

"You lads can go in, I'm coming soon" They nod and make their way in. It's probably Chiara.

"Hey, boss, I found the gang. They're called the serpents. When I was looking into them, they called me and requested a meeting for tomorrow, 9 am sharp."

"Okay, confirm it. I want it on the abandoned road that I killed their men on"

"Yes boss. I'll put the info in a file and drop it off later"

"Please do" I hang up and walk up the 3 stairs to the patio.

As soon as I come in, everyone is looking at me. Some in admiration, some in encouragement, one in boredom, and another in lust. Typical.

"Ah, this is my eldest daughter, Axar. The one I won't shut up about" The ugly gentleman sitting on the opposite on the only available seat gets up to greet me. I look at him dead in the eyes, and he smiles.

"I'm Alex. Nice to meet you"

"Wish I could say the same" I whisper. He chuckles. "What was that?"

I look at him with a stone hard look. "I said 'Wish I could say the same' And I dislike repeating myself" I look at him once more and seat myself, while he stands there, dumbfounded.

"Be respectful" My dad grips my shoulder. When have I ever been?" I smirk at him, while a waiter come to take our orders.

"And you sir?" the waiter looks at 'Alex' expectantly.

"Same as the lady" He smiles at me. Wanker.

"Scotch on the rocks, and some roasted lamb with mint sauce" I say.

"Okay, i'll be back with your orders momentarily" He leaves, and my supposed mother-in-law start giving me a headache.

"So, Axar, What did you study in university?"


"That's great. How good are you in cooking"

"Horrible. I burnt down my old manner" I smirk, thinking about the memories. Azelia and Atreus snort at my bluntness.

"o-okay. So, do you think that you'll be a good wife to Alex?"

"Tell me, Ruby" I inquire, not giving one flying fuck about being respectful. "Do you think i'll be a good wife to someone who's cheated on every single girlfriend of his?" Everyone except my sibling and I gasp.

Well, someone had to say it.

"I'm not going to cheat on you-"

"Empty fucking promises. You said that to every other girl" The waiter comes with our drinks and meals.

"Axar, be respectful and offer your apologies." My mother tries to subtly remind me, but i'm not having it.

"Fine. I'm sorry"

"Thank you-"

"I'm sorry for your son being an incompetent dumbass to drown your family in debt" There. I spilled the beans.

"How could your say something like that? You ungrateful brat" Ruby flares up. Damn, this lamb is good.

"It's the truth, mom. Axar is not lying. I've been using the family money for my own personal means, but I love you, Axar." My nose scrunches up.

"We met 10 minutes ago." I say, matter-of-factly.

"Yes, but I love you and I would die before you became someone else's wife-"

"Then die. And make it painful" I grab a few hundreds from my wallet, throw them on the table, Down my scotch, and leave the wretched table.

"That went better than anticipated" I say, leaving the restaurant, my sibling trailing behind me.

"Apply water to the cold area type of shit" Azelia say, hoping in the car.

"Let's get home, I want my sleep" We drive all the way to the manor.

I finally get the chance to lay down, after 3 days. I make sure to turn off my phone for unnecessary notifications and fall into a deep slumber.

The next day...

I wake up to my mom shrieking. "It's so nice seeing you guys again" I groan and reach for my phone, to see the time. It's 8 fucking am.

"Shut up, fucking airheads!" I yell back, but I'm not sure if they heard me, with how many rooms are in this manor.

They obviously didn't listen to me, so I reluctantly get up. I take a quick shower and put my hair up in a ponytail, with the ends curled outwards. I choose some black trousers, with a white dress shirt, a black corset on top, and finish it off with my black coat and some black louboutins. I pair the outfit with some Silver Vivienne Westwood earrings.

 I pair the outfit with some Silver Vivienne Westwood earrings

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 I grab my gun and leave the room. 

I finally get down the stairs, mad that they woke me up. Wait, why is there luggage there?

"You wankers don't know how to let a woman sleep" I enter the dining room, when I hear a bark.

"You? a woman? I find that extremely hard to believe" My head snaps to the familiar voice and my face turns into one of displeasure, when I look at the person. Acelian Motherfucking Armani.

"Missed me sweetheart?" He smirks as he gets up from his seat. Rage takes over me, when I pull out my dagger, slam him against the wall and hold the weapon to his throat.

"Miss you? I'd rather get dropped in a tank full of piranhas, naked, than miss you" I withdraw the dagger and head out the door, not looking back.

I hop in my McLaren and speed out the driveway and out the gate. I have more shit to do that to miss him. But he's back, and who knows for how long. I'm seriously thinking about moving out.

I connect my phone to the Bluetooth and call the girls.

"Sio and Kat meet me here" I send them a nearby restaurant where i can have breakfast.

"Yes boss, we're in the area"

"Oh and bring my baby"


Hope you liked it.




And see you in the next one.

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