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Hello lovely readers,

Hope you're all thriving well.
Really emotional here.
A year ago I would've never thought anyone would like my the stories I had been writing since the past decade in my free time.
But boy was I wrong.
A special thank you to




For being theree from day one ,your support was the reason I published and completed wrote book2 eventhough book one wasn't that well then.














your support to books and Prem_Khushi for taking out your precious time to give me an honest review.

And ofcourse my dearest silent readers Thankyou for reading the book I hope you like it so you read it ............................

Well, moving on the journey of strings journey has ended but I do plan on writing the three spinoff but will start with Aliyah as one of you had once said she connects all the characters .Yes,she does the Shah's and Nawabs and Raizada the list goes on and on.

Aliyah has always been my favourite character to write and yes I know I have been to cruel to my favourite character therefore I plan on writing her SPINOFF first and she will be included in all the stories I write in the future.PROMISE!

Now about the two books I have just published one is about the siblings their jouneys and struggles and one is purely about Aliyah and her family dynamics including the past which will give you a glimpse of the parents pasts.

The books are set in somewhat future especially Aliyah one.

And the last but not the least as I told you guys my life has taken a 360 personal turn which is the reason I published like thunder and will be signing off for a long time.I don't know till when but I hope I can write again its my fuel to live and I love it.
But when I come back KINAARA will be published first as it needs publishing mostly only.

Well,it was an amazing journey on wattpad till today,I'm getting super emotional but you people that I don't even know give me so much love over the past year which was horrible that I will never ever forget you guys.

Thanks a Million Lovely Readers.thanks a million,you mean so much to me.
I hope you all enjoy happy and healthy lives forever.

Thanks once again remember me in your good wishes always,


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