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And please welcome the rising star of Stanford Graduate School of Business,the valedictorian of our previous batch,the brillant mind that created history by completing the course in one and a half years,

Karanvir Abhay Singh Raizada.

He walked up to the stage with a polite smile and sad eyes.

His phone beeped as his smile vanished, reading the message on the screen.

And the fashion icon of this year is Aroohi.

She walked up to stage elegantly with a brilliant smile, a smile that could break a billion hearts, including her own.

Her secretary handed her herphone as she came down she froze as she heard the other line.

The South Asian Regional Countries Brilliance Award goes to our young prodigy Dr.Samuel Lee Fernandez.

He stood up and walked towards the stage with a stoic face, a face that had lost all its glow.

He got a call from his mother, a heartbreaking one, to be precise.

And now the faculty of Mathematics Cambridge will award the Valedictorian of our batch Ms.Aliyah Raza Ibrahim.

She walked up the stage lifelessly as a hot tear escaped her hazel brown orbes due to the news she had just received a few seconds ago.

After five long years of heartache, pain,betrayal, and loss.
The strings of fate were moving again, this time entagling the four with all the strength in the world.

Will this be the end of all their sorrows or the arrival of deeper sorrows?

Only time could tell, time that has always been cruel to the Strings.

BFF? BOOK2 :A BLESSING OF THE CURSE.Where stories live. Discover now