Chapter 34: Tug of war

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Emilia's M4 Sherman and Anglerfish's Panzer IV-H are connected in a dangerous way as the two are forced to finish the already dragged-on fight once and for all.

But Miho and Emilia are really on their edge to fully embrace and understand the current setting of their battle. No one can fully predict that the finale is wielded by a very strong steel cable that moves randomly as the two tanks spins, pull and contracts it like having a battle dance.

"Enemy fire incoming!" Emilia screams thus making her driver slow down and avoiding the shot Hana aimed in advance. Staying still means defeat thats why once the danger is clear, Emilia commands her tank again to move.

Because Emilia's turret is not restrained unlike Anglerfish, there's more available variaty of movements for them which they clearly abused. Without worrying for their barrell, Emilia's tank moves more freely and recklessly. Polar opposite to Anglerfish which is restrained and trying to follow their movement as one wrong move would snap and destroy their only way of offense.

In short, Emilia is like hunting but the prey is already in leashed, closer to the phrase "Shooting fish in a barrell".

"Tsk! This is so hard!" Mako's annoyance.

"I agree!" Hana agrees.

"I'm starting to get dizzy..." Saori's soft complain.

In Emilia's side. Emilia is observing the surrounding and after comfirmation that everything is playing well on her plan, she starts to command her driver again.

"Move us to that big tree and make sure that the cable would hit it."

Everyone is shocked as they envisioned what Emilia is trying to do.

"B-but. That's dangerous commander! Are you sure."

"Listen. We are not the one in the disadvantage here. We only lose our part that holds our cable but they going to lose their entire cannon so I believe it's a good trade!" Emilia's explanation.

Emilia's crew understands the situation but still doubt lingers to them. The driver then starts to guide the battle into a nearest sturdy old tree.

Miho notices it and at first, she thought that hitting that tree would stop their mind whirling circular motion that slowly starting to take toll on their mental state but after few more thoughts, Miho's eyes widen as she realized the true implications if it happens.


Mako's quick reaction closely saves them as she prevent the disaster by going to the direction where Emilia is located, loosening the cable. Emilia responds by driving away to Anglerfish team to make sure the cable is in tension again.

"Tsk!" Emilia's dissapointment that her plan fails.

"What we should do commander?" Her gunner asked.

"We going to continue the plan."

"But they already aware of our intention. Its going to get harder to implement."

"It's okay. As long as we distract them by continuing to attack and trying to encircle the cable to them, we might got a second chance." Emilia's assurance.

"Yes commander!" The rest of the crew respond.

In the Anglerfish side, the team is also in great tension just like the steel cable that connects them to the enemy.

"Phew! That was close!" Yukari's words of relief.


In the VIP area...

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